6,623 thoughts on “Comments

    • Some people were saying that the Treatments page was too long and complex, so I streamlined it a bit, and removed a few sections. If you want nasal congestion and sinusitis treatments, you can find them here.

  1. The missing link is, most all of us have “Leaky Gut Syndrome” that’s the underlying-undiagnosed problem. Everything you’ve mentioned on the homepage is symptomatic of this LGS that’s allowing Endotoxins called Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to translocate from the gut lumen directly into the bloodstream, which is, in most cases, a low-grade systemic sepsis. If the LPS travels to your Thyroid, the immune system recognizes it as a bacterial infection and begins attacking the Thyroid Gland (Hashimoto’s). If the LPS gets into your joints, the immune system attacks the joints (RA). If it gets into the brain, same thing – resulting in Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, etc. In children this LPS causes Autism, usually from vaccines and antibiotics destroying the gut microbiome and allowing yeast to take over, which drill holes in your gut and turn into a fungus called CANdida albicans. When that fungus makes its way to an organ it begins to colonize in/on the organ, this is known as CANcer. Look up Dr. Peter Kan’s video on YouTube called “Leaky Gut 2.0” to better understand this. Then look up “Cancer is a Fungus” and watch Dr. Tullio Simoncini explain this to Doug Hoffman and how he cures all his CANcer patients using either baking soda or 7% tincture of Iodine (both are antifungals).

    And here’s Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan explaining how this leaky gut is the absolute ROOT CAUSE of all disease, and how it is not the HIV virus killing AIDS patients, its this leaky gut syndrome that’s the real culprit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoMwZbPYt5k

    If you have gut issues causing you Autoimmune diseases/CANcer, you have to kill the yeast/fungi overgrowth in the gut (gut is from mouth opening to anus) by using Sodium Ascorbate crystals, Olive Leaf Extract (OLE also destroys all viruses it’s been tested against), Colloidal Silver, etc. Once you kill off the gut infection you’ll want to recolonize with good gut bacteria and good prebiotics to feed them, or the yeast/fungi will come right back and repopulate that area again. Kiran developed an Endospore probiotic that actually survives the digestive process, it is called ‘Just Thrive Probiotics’.

    You’ll also want to use a product by Dr. Zach Bush called ‘Restore’ to seal up the gut tight junctions holding your one cell layer thick epithelial lining together.

    I just cured a 5 month old Kitten of FiV (yes, I mean she is literally cured and doing great) by focusing on her gut. Just as with AIDS patients, Kittens/Cats with Fiv, Felv, Distemper (Dogs with Parvo, too) are not dying because of the viral load, they are dying because they had a weak mucosa and epithelial lining. The virus caused disturbance in the GI tract and the Cat/Dog has leaky gut allowing LPS to get through the gut lining directly into the bloodstream. They are dying of sepsis, not a viral load.

    First thing I did after I noticed she hadn’t eaten or drank anything in over 48 hours was squirt 2 cc’s of Karo Corn Syrup (sugar water will work, too) down her throat. If they don’t eat/drink for 24+ hours, they start getting hypoglycemic and it makes them feel really bad and they just keep getting sicker and more dehydrated, so you want to get that blood sugar up quickly. I used some GNC brand Ultra-Mega High Calorie Booster Gel wiped on her mouth to get her some much needed calories and vitamins. And I fed her 10 cc’s of Goat’s Milk with 1/2 tspn of the ‘Restore’ and about 300 mg’s of Olive Leaf Extract and 500 mg’s of Sodium Ascorbate Crystals mixed into it to seal up her gut lining and kill off any pathogen load in her gut.

    32 minutes later she walked over to a water bowl and began drinking. The Karo spiked up her blood sugar and made her feel a lot better, which made her want to actually live, so she drank.

    About an hour later I followed up with 10 cc’s of Pedialyte and approx. 300 mg’s of Activated Charcoal powder and a little sugar to make it taste better (given orally with syringe) to sweep the gut and adsorb any of the dead/dying pathogens the OLE and Vit C was killing and carry them out through the feces so they don’t get through the leaky gut and reinfect her again, which is a vicious cycle. Human’s need to use this method, too.

    For the next 24-36 hours I repeated this process 3 to 4 times/day. About 36 hours in she started eating again. She was drinking on her own 32 minutes after I gave her the Karo, but still wouldn’t eat till about 36 hours later.

    Now that she’s eating and drinking on her own, she began to self medicate. I’d just mix 300 mg’s of OLE, 3 to 500 mg’s of Vitamin C, 1/2 tspn of Restore, 1/2 tspn. of the GNC calorie booster, 1 cc of Karo corn syrup, and 1/2 of a capsule of the ‘Just Thrive’ probiotics to recolonize her gut. I only gave her the probiotics once per day.

    By focusing mainly on her gut, I not only saved myself a $2,500.00 Vet bill, but I also saved her life. If you take a Cat with Fiv, Felv, Distemper, etc. or a Dog with Parvo to a Vet, all they will do is, hook them up on IV fluids and give them antibiotics that are going to destroy their guts even more.

    And in an emergency situation where you can’t get your dog/cat rehydrated and need to act really-really fast, here’s a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufm4hSZklgg&index=5&list=PLxfhDVtYA0kY0WgUjc2aQwyx4KvusGgwe&t=0s

    About 80% of the immune system is located in the gut, and as Hippocrates said: “All disease and health begins in the gut”.

    Even Diabetes is caused from LPS getting into the pancreas and the immune system launching a full-bore attack on that organ.

    Focus on the Gut!

    • A month and a half of 50 million units per pill probiotics cleared this up for me taking 2 pills a day.

  2. Also, drinking chlorinated water destroys you AND your pets microbiome, as does any prescription drugs, antibiotics, birth control pills, etc. You have 4 to 5 pounds of bacteria in your gut (from mouth to anus), and those little guys make all your B-Vitamins, about 90% of Serotonin, and even some Hormones. They communicate with your brain via the Vagus Nerve. They literally give us Life and Health, but when we destroy them with the average Western diet, prescription drugs, and chlorinated water, they bad guys like yeast takeover and wreak havoc on our health (pets, too).

    Here’s a good seminar by Dr. Zach Bush explaining this microbiome and how Glyphosate in RoundUp is destroying our guts (pets, too) via the Shikimate pathway. I think he talks about the ‘Restore’ product here, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL6OPzQe9Is&list=PLxfhDVtYA0kYME8AHfpWVPvsjxbCzA1hf&t=0s&index=3

    Here’s a video showing Glyphosate destroying tight junctions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQTFD7EcZaI

    Here’s what LPS does to you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbJuVvT6ALQ

    Here’s Mike the Gut Guy explaining leaky gut and CANdida overgrowth and how to kill it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxwxxGQWaTw&feature=push-u-sub&attr_tag=z7N1dkWTsl0rLzYL-6

    • That’s nonsense that any prescription drugs destroy the microbiome; one type of drug, antibiotics, may have temporary adverse effects on the microbiome, but probably nothing that a course of probiotics and prebiotics cannot fix.

      It is also absolute nonsense and complete quackery that Candida causes cancer, and that baking soda cures cancer.

      And another complete piece of bullshit is your statement that olive leaf extract “destroys all viruses it’s been tested against”. Are you really that gullible that you believe all the nonsense posted on alternative health websites?

      Please try to keep this website scientific, rather than posting pseudoscience and quackery and any old nonsense that you happen to read on alternative health sites.

  3. Not sure why you would attack me like that? I’ve only been studying this stuff for 20 years, and it isn’t quackery and pseudoscience. Don’t take my word for it, read the science and studies behind everything I’ve stated

  4. Quoting Carbon Coyote: “Not sure why you would attack me like that? I’ve only been studying this stuff for 20 years, and it isn’t quackery and pseudoscience. Don’t take my word for it, read the science and studies behind everything I’ve stated”.

    I am just a little weary of the mumbo jumbo that sometimes gets posted on this website.

    Some of the things you say have got some scientific basis, for example that leaky gut may be a factor in autoimmune disease. But the emphasis is on may, because we don’t know at this stage, and it’s only a hypothesis, not a fact. So you are going far beyond the current scientific evidence when you claim that leaky gut / LPS causes Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s. In science, you never state something as a fact unless you have plenty of evidence to support it.

    Next you tell me that leaky gut is the cause of AIDS, which is absolute nonsense.

    I’ve experimented with supplements and diet designed to help leaky gut (without noticing much benefit), as well as prebiotics and probiotics (which I found helped reduce anxiety symptoms), and I appreciate that improving gut health may have knock-on benefits. But to state that leaky gut is the cause of all these diseases is not based on any scientific evidence. Thus it is not a scientific statement.

    Then you bring up the uber-quack Tullio Simoncini and you actually seem to believe that he can cure cancer with bicarb of soda. That’s just flabbergasting.

    As for herbal antivirals, it’s important to appreciate the difference between in vitro data and in vivo data. Many herbs show potent antiviral effects in vitro, but have little or no effect in vivo when you actually take that herb orally, for reasons I am not going to explain here. So when you see on an alternative health website or book that herb X is “a very powerful antiviral”, it’s mostly nonsense, because they are usually referring to in vitro studies, which have little bearing on what actually works in the body.

    If you want to understand more about antivirals, you need to learn about concepts such as the antiviral EC50, the antiviral selectivity index, the CC50, and so forth.

    When I first became ill with this virus, I knew very little about medical science, but over the years I’ve picked up small bits of scientific knowledge here and there, and this has helped me to distinguish nonsense from valid medicine.

  5. I respect your opinion, and I your site. I’m not trying to intrude, and I would NEVER share information I didn’t believe in. I appreciate you leaving my comments so at least people can study those links if they so desire. I’m only trying to share what has worked for me in hopes that it helps someone else. You’re alright in my book (hat-tip).

  6. Hip,

    I’m not sure if I have this exact virus, but I believe it is or something similar. Ive run a number of CBCs, urinalysis and other tests and everything comes back subclinical despite various symptoms. This has lead me to the fringes of trying to treat this.

    The main similarities I’ve noticed between myself and people who have caught it (slow transmission, mostly household), besides fatigue and emotional impacts, are skin symptoms. Easy injuries, slow healing, bad sunburns, skin pigmentation depending on age, etc. It occurred to me eventually that this was all due to fat loss, subcutaneous/adipose.

    This eventually lead me to hormones. My current theory is that most if not all symptoms are related to hormone imbalances, as a result of disruption to the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis. This would explain everything from the skin to the mood and emotional impact. Just not sure if it is the body’s response to the pathogen, or if it actually attacks those organs (adrenals for example). If an organ system can be identified, supplementation would be more targeted.

    I’m just about to take a saliva hormone test to corroborate but have to wait until Labor Day is over. Curious if you’ve ever looked down this path and your thoughts?

    • In myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), which is the disease this virus triggered in me, there is evidence for disruption of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid (HPA) axis. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that processes emotions and the stress response, so this might explain why those with ME/CFS are easy stressed, and often emotionally sensitive, or have other emotional symptoms such as weak blunted emotions, or sometimes random flighty emotions (emotional lability).

      What I observed is that may people who caught this virus developed much milder versions of these ME/CFS emotional sensitivities and stress intolerances. Not severe enough to prevent them from working or taking part in normal social life, but still enough to perhaps reduce the quality of life.

      I have not found much to help combat the stress intolerance and emotional sensitivities, although I’ve listed a few things on the Treatments Page of this site that do help a little bit. I am always on ME/CFS forums, and I don’t know anyone or any doctor who has found a treatment for the HPA axis dysfunction. I’ve tried quite a few herbs which target the hypothalamus, but they do not help much, except perhaps allicin which in high doses does seem to bolster the weakened emotions. More recently I found that hydrogen rich water does help a tiny bit with the emotional sensitivity; HRW increases the hormone ghrelin, which acts on the hypothalamus.

      Enteroviruses themselves can and do infect multiple organs: they can infect the brain, the muscles, the stomach and intestines, the heart, the adrenals, and other organs. They are also associated with autoimmunity, which means that they may be able to trigger autoimmune disease.

      There are currently no good antivirals for enterovirus, though Dr Chia uses antiviral treatments such as oxymatrine, Epivir and tenofovir off label to help combat chronic enterovirus infections. Unfortunately I did not notice much benefit from oxymatrine or Epivir, but have yet to properly try tenofovir.

      Chronic enterovirus infections are very hard to detect by blood tests, because they are low-level infection that live inside human cells. If you use the highly sensitive micro-neutralization antibody tests for coxsackievirus B and echovirus provided by ARUP Lab in Utah, you may be able to observe elevated titers to these enteroviruses. See the FAQ page for info. But the ARUP tests are expensive, around $440 each.

    • Very much agree here. I have enough of the symptoms to recognize myself in the ME/CFS community, but mild enough on the spectrum to participate in life mostly as usual, except I know I’m slightly subpar compared to previously, and subjectively feel blunted.

      I recently found Ancestral Supplments which are ground up organs from grass fed cows, the idea being that up until recently humans have eaten organs of healthy animals to support our respective organ. So I’m trying to identify what might be off via hormone testing to supplement.

      In any case, I generally agree with your recent comment about the medical and alternate health communities. I too have been humbled by this experience.

      In addition however, I’ll say that I have become a bit more delusioned with the average doctor through this experience. The general medical community has no answer for those of us dealing with these issues. They chalk it off to “some virus” or throw wastebasket diagnosis at the patient because they can’t help, which is fine if they could admit it and perhaps offer some guidance. If it’s not a clearly identifiable pathogen or imbalance they can throw medicine at, or an organ to remove, they feel like it should be ignored. Ultimately they all seem to want to land on psychiatric meds when the patient persists.

      At least naturopaths offer some answers for supportive care, even if the thinking is often wishful and there are outright snake oil salesman.

      Last thing I’ll say is that I’m discovering the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects are undervalued here. While the mechanisms may not be fully understood yet, it has been proven that positive outlook, meditation, and/or other tools can have a positive impact on the immune system, comparatively, and surely on quality of life.

      If there is no definitive diagnose, no cure, and no clear treatment, one should at least bolster these aspects of their life. I feel like many who suffer from these illnesses would benefit from support in these areas.

    • Yes, most doctors don’t have much to offer for conditions like ME/CFS, though at least in the US there are a dozen or two ME/CFS specialists that know what they are doing, and can often help by means of the correct viral testing and use of antivirals. For those with ME/CFS linked to herpesviruses such as EBV, HHV-6 and cytomegalovirus, there are good antivirals. ME/CFS linked to enteroviruses is more problematic to treat due to lack of good antivirals.

      I don’t know if you have seen my ME/CFS Roadmap for Testing and Treatment, but at the bottom of the page it lists some of the leading ME/CFS specialist doctors. Dr John Chia is one of the few doctors that are good at treating enterovirus ME/CFS, though Dr Nancy Klimas also has expertise in this area. If you have herpesvirus ME/CFS, then there are more doctors that are good with that.

      A good approach to treating ME/CFS is getting some medical treatment, but only from these ME/CFS specialists, and also experimenting with supplements, and trying to find things that may help. There is a list in the roadmap of supplements that have been show in studies to have some mild benefit for ME/CFS.

      However, if you only have very mild symptoms that would not quite be classed as ME/CFS, it may be a little over the top to see one of these ME/CFS doctors. ME/CFS varies greatly in severity, and there is a scale of mild, moderate and severe ME/CFS . Mild means still usually able to work, but you come home so exhausted that you can only just really cook and then go to sleep. You will not have energy for any further activity, and usually you will have cut out most of your social activities due to the exhaustion — that’s mild ME/CFS. Then things get worse if you progress to moderate or severe ME/CFS.

    • Hello,
      How are you ? I have same issue ketones in urine during acute and Weight loss. For how many years you have this and is there some improvements or it get worse ? Did you got it sexually ?

  7. Carbon Coyote, I appreciate that you are trying to help.

    I had a big interest in health and alternative medicine before I caught the virus that triggered my ME/CFS. When I first became ill after catching this virus, I thought that my knowledge of supplements, herbs, and also my background education in science (though not medical science), would help me defeat it.

    But once you are hit with a serious disease, you realize how hard these things are to tackle, and I’ve become somewhat humbled from this experience, in the sense that I now understand that defeating or preventing disease is not as easy as the alternative health community would have you believe. People sometimes complain of the “arrogance of science”, but you find an equal, well not so much arrogance, but perhaps naivety in the alternative health community, who think that tackling serious disease can be achieved just with a few herbs or supplements (a view I admit I also used to subscribe to before I was hit with a serious disease).

    Of course, supplements can still help, if you take the time to explore them, and I’ve found quite a few that help me tackle my symptoms to some degree. But it’s going to take advancements in medical science over the next few hundred years to really eradicate these serious illnesses.

    I apologize for being a little sharp earlier; sometimes with the high fatigue levels from ME/CFS I lose patience when there is too much quackery posted; but I am just trying to encourage scientific discussions here.

    Do you suffer from any of the symptoms or conditions detailed on this website, by the way?

    • The virus’s physical effects on erectile ability were relatively minor, but the effects on libido / sexual desire in the mental sense were much more significant; but ME/CFS is known for low libido.

    • Sorry, Hip …. I just now noticed you left me a comment. No worries, I’m sure this post gets hit with all sorts of quackery. It must be taxing moderating this thing, lol.

      Yes, I’ve had several of the problems you’ve outlined, but I now know that I have Dermatomyositis, and it is hell. I’ve had small gut issues for years (bloating, gas, distended stomach, etc.), but never tied it to my symptoms till I started studying leaky gut, and voila!

      Once you break down your mucosal layer that protects the one cell thick epithelial lining of the gut, every pathogen in town starts penetrating that barrier and getting directly into the bloodstream and wreaks havoc and Autoimmune issues.

      Something that may interest you: if you’re not eating enough resistant starches, your gut bacteria cannot ferment/digest them to create butyrate, which stimulates goblet cells and other bacteria to produce more mucus. Butyrate is the primary fuel source for the epithelial lining. When you eat resistant starches that cannot be digested in the small intestines, they make their way to the large intestines where bacteria ferment/digest them to produce more mucus to keep that mucosal layer nice and thick at all times to keep out unwanted pathogens.

      If you aren’t feeding them a good daily supply of resistant starch they cannot produce butyrate, and what THAT happens, the immune system believes the environment has been taken over by non acid producing pathogens like Candida, and launches a full-on attack on the good gut bacteria believing it must be bad because it isn’t producing butyrate. But they aren’t producing butyrate because we aren’t feeding them resistant starches: https://youtu.be/IgpVv7Vn5p0

  8. I tried taking resistant starch for a few months but without noticing any benefits. Also tried the Clostridium butyricum (Miyarisan) probiotic which specifically makes butyrate, but without seeing any positive effects (though I know a few ME/CFS patients who did well on this probiotic).

  9. This study strongly supports my gumshoe investigation findings about CFS seemingly relating to disruption in the automnomous nervous system and impacts the HPA axis:


    The frustrating people is that very few people are looking into WHY. I believe it is a dysfunctional reaction to chronic/persistent infection in the body.

    • Dr Jacob Teitelbaum would often talk of the role of a dysfunctional hypothalamus in ME/CFS. Though brainstem dysfunction is also present.

  10. Hi Hip, I found this on the internet. This person claims to have a cure for the virus on this site. I have cut and past the article below. Please let us now if this is a true cure or just a hoax to get money out of those suffering from this virus:

    I-Treatment against Coxsackie A and B and Mood Viruses
    Dr Richard Ellis, MA, DPhil (Oxon)
    Home page
    Who am I? Contact

    Mood Virus and Coxsackie A and B Viruses
    I have a number of treatments against viruses. As a result of my work I became infected with the Mood Virus (AKA the chronic sore throat virus see details here). This virus comes on very quickly in a few hours, and is an RNA virus. It seems to be an unknown type of Coxsackie virus which persists indefinitely. It attacks the immune system at the thymus gland (just above the heart), and is particularly nasty if you have other infections. For example it makes Lyme disease much worse and probably TB. Fortunately I now have treatments for this and other Coxsackie A and B viruses.
    When I caught this virus, I had already done a lot of work on viruses, helped two children overcome HIV and myself and other people of the Epstein Barr virus. So I immediately resolved to cure myself of this mood virus. I had to develop the treatment which took some time, and then I became free of it. I caught it a few more times from patients, but each time I improved the treatment and cleared it.
    I have since helped a number of other people with this virus. A few clients had laboratory tests done which showed they had Coxsackie A or B viruses. With further testing I was able to confirm that the Mood virus is a type of Coxsackie virus. With slight modifications to the treatment, I now have treatments for normal Coxsackie A and B viruses as well.
    Treatments against Coxsackie A & B and Mood Viruses
    The Mood Virus comes in primarily through the thyroid and thymus glands (and associated centres), but also through the pituitary gland and spleen. It affects the DNA and the will power, which is important in regulating the immune system. It affects the endocrine system. It can cause sub-clinical viral meningitis. It has a powerful effect on the throat area, as people who have it well-know. It seriously disrupts the immune system at the thymus gland. It damages the DNA in the white blood cells, especially associated with the thymus and spleen. It disrupts the relationship between RNA and DNA, a bit like HIV. And it causes inflammation, and affects the joints where it causes arthritis.
    The treatment is not a chemical. You cannot kill viruses with drugs. For years I have been developing a system of quantum or spiritual healing based upon living waters and living information. This is non-toxic, non-chemical, natural approach, which is very gentle but effective. I have now eliminated bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Viruses such as EBV, CMV, H1N1, HHV6, Coxsackie A and B viruses and others can now be overcome.
    The method involves boosting your immune system in a number of different ways. When the immune system is strong enough, the virus will go. I have now demonstrated this for the above viruses. The boosts required are different for each virus, because they each cause different damage and immune suppression in your body. The treatments are as follows:
    Mood Virus
    The Mood virus treatment consists of 3 small boxes of remedies. Each box contains 15 small bottles in three rows. You take a dose of each of the 5 remedies in the first row in the morning, then of each in the second row later in the day. And then a dose each of the remedies in the last row towards the end of the day. Then on the second day, you take the second box in the same way. Then on the third day you take the third box in the same way. And on the fourth day you go back to the first box. In this way you take all the remedies in a three day cycle, and the treatment should last for 18 to 21 weeks. In practice the virus is likely to have gone long before this. It costs £315 plus shipping.
    Coxsackie A virus
    The treatment for the Coxsackie A virus consists of that for the Mood virus plus ten extra remedies in a separate box. You could take it in a modified three day cycle or a 4 day cycle. The cost is £385 plus shipping.
    Coxsackie B virus
    The treatment for the Coxsackie B viruses consists of that for the Mood virus plus 4 extra remedies in the same three boxes (which reduces shipping costs) You can take them in a slightly modified 3 day cycle. The cost is £343 plus shipping. Thanks wjrf

    • I know the website that you are quoting, it’s linked to in the post just above yours. It’s just nonsense, do not waste your money.

      There is a new antiviral coming out in around 2 years or so that should eliminate this virus from the body. It’s called Rega Compound A. This antiviral completely eradicates coxsackievirus B4 infection in mice.

  11. Thanks Hip, I figured this was money making scheme. I figured you would know for sure. I’m happy to hear about the upcoming antiviral, I’ve been praying for a cure. I’m not affected so much from the virus now, thanks mostly to your recommended treatments on your page. My issue is I want to date again, but I don’t want to contaminate anyone else. As of now, it’s just dinner and a movie and back home alone :) I’m looking forward to being normal again. Thanks for supporting and guiding us through this!

    • Hip,

      In all fairness, can you tell us if it is something you have personal experience with or are just assuming?

    • Developing an antiviral drug just for one virus is something that takes a large team of scientists working hard for decades, and the final cost of development can be as much as half a billion. Though if you think that one guy with no biological training can develop effective treatments in his kitchen that “eliminated bacterial, viral and fungal infections”, you are certainly welcome to try his expensive products.

    • I certainly understand your position and skepticism, and am not 100% a believer. But here are some points from my own learning process, and my email conversations with Richard from this site:
      – Its a different approach. He is not a medical doctor, but a physicist
      – From what I can gather, medical science mostly fails to deal with viruses, except for a select few such as HIV where massive attention and money was directed for decades. The ‘treatment’ for most viruses is ‘supportive’ – ie. stay hydrated while we watch your body hopefully take care of it
      – Medical science still does not understand much about various illnesses, for example why certain people clear viruses X% of the time while others do not.
      – Medicine seems to mostly handle bacterial infections, and even there is beginning to fail as over-prescription of medication is creating drug-resistant super strains.
      – In regards to Richard’s approach specifically: I saw a similar type of remedy mentioned in another forum. The individual had gone to a Lyme clinic in Japan I believe it was, where they Pulse tested various remedies until the body reacted to one. I believe the treatment helped that patient. This is also Richard’s approach (though the pulse testing seems to require someone familiar and practiced with it to do effectively)
      – In his words, the problem with medical science is ‘it ignores the life force’ – we are just beginning to understand the world of energy and the unseen forces that go beyond biology
      – His remedies work to strengthen the immune system against the specific pathogens, not to specifically attack the pathogens themselves

      Again, I’m not saying I’m a believer, but I am testing them. Only problem is I’m not sure what I have. But i certainly think it could be worth someone testing if they are sure they have this specific virus, if for no other reason than to cross every T and dot every I.

    • Claiming that you have tapped into some “life force” is a lucrative approach. Uri Geller made all his money this way.

  12. Hello Hip: I need your advice. I am pretty sure I have this virus, like crepe like wrinkling on hands, random stomach pains and bloating, abdominal weight gain, and frequent episodes of nasal congestion. Recently, I have to take on primary responsibility for a baby and I am paranoid that I will pass this on to the baby by frequent interaction. In your experience, do any infants exhibit symptoms of this virus and is this a serious issue?

    • I know several parents with this virus, and one infant showed some symptoms of the virus, but other infants did not. Generally viral infections are less severe in young children than they are in adults.

  13. Hey Hip,

    May I ask you if you found any medicine, or anything helpful for abdominal fat? I am working really hard to lose it, but only my muscles are getting stronger.

    I am taking:
    Selenomethionine 300 mcg daily
    N-acetyl-glucosamine 500 mg daily
    Horsetail brew 2 times daily

    Also I would like to thank you for what you do. You changed my life.

    • No, unfortunately not. The abdominal fat may be due in part to leptin resistance, so you might consider trying African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) for that. I did not notice much when I tried this herb.

  14. Hi Hip. Do you (or anyone) know what can help with the gum recession and teeth issues? I’m not sure what the cause is so unsure how to approach it – is it overgrowth of bad bacteria? I was reading about probiotic toothpaste, might give that a shot…

  15. Hello Hip,

    Could you tell me if Swanson SeLECT Selenomethionine is yeast-free?
    I tried african mango with hard workout and I lost 1 kilogram, mostly from belly. It seems to work

    • Have a look on their website. Or email them.

      I use Swanson SeMSC Selenium now, which is cheap and yeast-free and just as good as selenomethionine.

  16. It will not work for EBV in vivo. It’s only being considered as a molecular lead for developing new antiviral drugs for EBV. There are already several available drugs that are effective for EBV.

  17. What if the virus caused a gene mutation in copper metabolism to protect itself from macrophages who use copper to create radical oxygen species?

    A copper deficiency/toxicity (in different areas of the body) could explain a lot of the symptoms.

    The Yin and Yang of Copper During Infection

    Congenital cataract, muscular hypotonia, developmental delay and sensorineural hearing loss associated with a defect in copper metabolism

    Proximal Limb Weakness in a Patient with Celiac Disease: Copper Deficiency, Gluten Sensitivity, or Both as the Underlying Cause?

    Using Copper to Improve the Well-Being of the Skin

  18. Dear All,
    I have a question about this disease. Many patients are diagnosed as 《vegetative system dysfunction》in China. Is there a disease called 《vegetative system dysfunction》in your country?

    • The vegetative nervous system is an old name for the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Is that what they mean in China by vegetative system dysfunction?

    • Yes. Vegetative nervous system = ANS. There are thousands of patients, some of whom are unknown pathogens, but they are not aware of the disease because the hospital cannot diagnose. Doctors told them is Vegetative System Dysfunction, they use anti-anxiety drugs but can’t cure for a long time.

    • Someone said that there is no such disease outside China. It is a conspiracy of our government, so I want to check it out.

    • Patients who developed myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) from a viral infection with enteroviruses or herpesviruses often developed dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (called dysautonomia). There are various types of dysautonomia, but a very common one is postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which the dysautonomia I developed after catching my virus.

      Many ME/CFS patients have POTS, or may have similar dysautonomia diseases such as neurally mediated hypotension (NMH) or orthostatic hypotension (OH). POTS, NMH and OH are all caused by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, and often appear after viral infection.

      It is not clear to me whether the virus described on this website is the same as the Chinese HIV-like virus. Many symptoms are the same, but there are also some differences in symptoms. For example, nobody with my virus ever experienced chest pain, but chest pain is common with the Chinese virus.

  19. The questions above are interesting and I think starting to get somewhere. Personally, I believe that this illness and similar ones somehow attack connective tissue, or otherwise cause the body to metabolize it somehow.

    People all report weight loss and skin thinning. In my own experience, this was preceded by the body breaking down fat (ketones in urine). Then people report weight gain in the belly, indicating a hormone problem.

    The skin problems and mental impacts seem to suggest that there are negative impacts on the skin, and nervous system. I believe these could all be caused by an attack on connective tissue, which is throughout our body. I just don’t know why or how. Either by directly attacking the tissue, or messing up hormones in the gut that change the way the body stores fat.

  20. “DBH is a member of a small unique class of copper-containing hydroxylases that are found in eukaryotes, and all play a critical role in the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters and hormones.”

    The crystal structure of human dopamine β-hydroxylase at 2.9 Å resolution

    “We report the case of an elderly woman with severe dysautonomic orthostatic hypotension in whom a deficit in dopamine B hydroxylase has been established.”

    Dopamine B hydroxylase deficiency responsible for severe dysautonomic orthostatic hypotension in an elderly patient.

    “Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is an orthostatic intolerance due to dysautonomia.”

    Reversible postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

  21. Hi Hip,

    Have you ever tried Fluoxetine as a treatment against CBV/ do you know the effectiveness of it against CBV? Recent studies show positive results with certain types, ie B1, B2, B3, B4.

    • I have not tried it myself, but I know that Dr Chia was experimenting with fluoxetine to treat his ME/CFS patients with CVB infections, but I did not hear any positive reports, so I assume it did not work.

  22. hi hip

    IV High Dose Vitamin C for Chronic EBV
    what do you think ? does it work for other kind of viruses..
    thank you..

  23. Taurine seemed to help me a lot. 500 1-3x/ day. Also removed caffeine, it seems to cause fatigue and make symptoms worse. There is a study showing depletion of taurine in gut of CFS.

  24. hi hip

    this md doctor tells high dose iv vitamin c cure lot of different virus infection. he gives example.

    ”Thomas Levy, MD – Vitamin C Past, Present, Future Applications-cure to all known virus, bacterial infections.
    antidote to all known toxins. Amazing. WATCH VERY CLOSELY AT 25:30. Thats right..he said it..ALL KNOWN TOXINS. ”

    thank you

  25. In 2003, I almost died from the virus. My immune system has been suppressed ever since and though I do have GERD and Acid Reflux, I don’t have problems as long as I take Nexium. Which I’ve been on now since 1996. I have a constant sore throat. The doctors have provided no answers and are lost when it comes to all the illnesses I present with all the time. But as far as symptoms, I’ve experienced everything listed and more. I’ve also had pericarditis and myocarditis. If you have any answers please let me know.

    • Some potent new antiviral drugs from the Rega Institute for this virus will become available in around 2 years or so from now: see here.

  26. Hip, are after 5-15 years are you still transmit this pathogen? What about relationships? Have you had any them since you realized that you have this pathogen? Did this instantly infected them too?

    Thank you!

  27. Im asking because im dealing with the same issues now for three months……looking to explore anything that helps…… also looking to get to expose this. On some major youtube channels. I know youtube videos have been mentioned here before…… We need to come together…. power in numbers ..we need to get this on a major youtube channel to expose it. One with lots of followers the mainstream media isn’t going to cover it. Please reply if you are with me. Please tell me where you are from. im in Texas

    • How did you catched this pathogen? And how it started in a first days and what symptoms are you appearing right now?

    • Here in the UK there is an epidemic of anxiety and depression that has arisen over the last 10 years, even in very young children. It’s possible that the virus described on this website is the cause.

  28. Hip, when did the ME/CFS hit you?

    Second, I received this recommendation for something completely unrelated from a newsletter I’ve followed for many years. Look at the claims from this lab. Seems like something some of us should try?


    • ME/CFS hit after the virus caused a brain infection around 2 years after I first caught it.

      Aperiomics may detect the virus if you can supply a sample of infected tissue. In ME/CFS patients the stomach tissues are infected, and a gastroenterologist sticking an endoscope down your throat and snipping off some small samples of stomach tissue might work for Aperiomics.

      But I am reasonably sure the virus I caught iS CVB4.

  29. Do you felt flu-illness all your period since incubation period? Or it was like sometimes flu periods and sometimes it was almost OK?

  30. Please guys, research mms/cds/chlordioxide. It worked wonders for my condition and can work for you too, if you dont believe the trolls on the net who compare it to chlor (which is like conparing water with hydrogen. IF there is a pathogen, it will kill it. Together with dmso, you can reach any point in the body.

    Good luck

    • I’ve seen a few viral ME/CFS patients try MMS (chlorine dioxide), but not obtain any benefit. However, I’ve heard some anecdotal stories of MMS helping Lyme disease to a degree. Borrelia may be more susceptible to bleaching agents such as chlorine dioxide, compared to viruses. Whether long term use of chlorine dioxide might create some increases in cancer risk or cause some other bodily harm is not known.

    • Then again, it seems to do more then just kill bacteria. I had a callus on my foot that was getting worse over the years to a point, where every step did hurt. I tried a lot of different things, nothing helped. My doctor prescribed me some acid, which opened the hard skin and from there on i had an open wound, i humped around for months with sharp pains, couldnt find any solution.

      My gf, who takes cds (next to many other things) atm for her cancer, finally told me to try this stuff for my spot (i didnt even think that it might help) but after just one use of a few drops the spot was CLOSED the next day. One more foot bath in cds and the pain was gone as well.

      What the heck do i know… but this made me wonder
      how cds actually works.

    • I’m trying to get in to see an infectious disease dr. I don’t know how long this will take but I will update as I learn more.

  31. Everyday imSuffering, if you are experiencing sore throat, headaches, brain fog, word finding difficulties, fatigue, these may be the symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). You might like to consider whether you have developed ME/CFS from your virus (check the symptoms of ME/CFS online).

    ME/CFS is linked to several viruses, including coxsackievirus B, echovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV-6 and parvovirus B19 and others.

    • I’m going to an infectious disease doctor. My wife is a DPT and she recommended the doctor. They don’t just throw meds at you, they try to find the root cause and not just treat symptoms.

    • Hip …. Thanks for reaching out. I do suffer from a lot of the symptoms you just mentioned. I don’t think im to the point of cfs yet. I am still able to get around and do some things, but I don’t feel like ill ever be the same. I was a strong active person a go getter and now I just sit at home like a bump on a log. with all my aches,pains and other issues. I think our viruses might be the same but effect people different. but from the info I have gathered if we were going to call them a different virus I have the one from china

      Eveyone ….. please comment on my video, I am working with a few other people that are dealing with the same issues about making videos as well… We need your comments saying your dealing with the same issues. we need to make this known. Make others feel comfortable about coming out with it. So Lets let them they are not alone…… Thanks Hip for starting this page and thank you everyone for listening

    • Infectious disease doctors are no good a detecting the chronic viral infections linked to ME/CFS. Only an ME/CFS specialist understands how to properly test for these infections. So bear that in mind if you have ME/CFS symptoms.

    • Everyday imSuffering ME/CFS can vary greatly in severity from one person to the next; mild patients are still able to work part-time or full-time, whereas moderate patients are housebound, and severe patients are bedbound.

      One of the classic symptoms of ME/CFS is post-exertional malaise (PEM): this is where when you exert yourself either physically or mentally, then the next day you feel much worse. If you have PEM, it is a good indicator of ME/CFS.

      But ME/CFS is not linked to one virus, it’s linked to several. Often people who develop ME/CFS from a viral infection were chronically stressed at the time (chronic stress weakens immunity), or may have been recently exposed to a toxic factor such as toxic mold in their home, or to pesticides. These toxic factors may allow the viral infection to trigger ME/CFS.

  32. Hip i do agree your theory of this being a strain of the coxsackievirus I did get mouth sores early on.

    • I caught my virus from kissing on a first date; there was no sex involved. That’s when I developed the chronic sore throat as a first symptom.

      But then many months later, when some spittle on my fingers made contact with my urethra, this transmitted the infection to the urethral mucous membranes. Years ago there were also some women on this website who reported gynecological issues from the virus. So I think this virus is capable of infecting any mucous membrane, whether inside the mouth, or genital mucous membranes. I would not consider this virus to be a sexually transmitted infection as such, even though it can be caught from kissing and probably oral sex, because this virus also transmits via normal social contact by saliva.

      If your symptoms are more like the so-called Chinese HIV-like virus, then the good news is that most people I know who caught that virus started feeling much better after a year or so. The symptoms do not fully disappear, but they are reduced to just very minor symptoms after about a year.

      Though if you developed ME/CFS from your virus, usually this unfortunately becomes a lifelong disease, although a small percentage do recover.

  33. Your story sounds a lot like mine. urethra was my first symptom then the mouth… The only diff I see between the two is Chest pain …. im pretty sure my son has contracted this. im concerned about his development. He is just a toddler. Drs wont listen .. you know that story.

    • In the case of CVB, medical literature will tell you that this virus can cause four different types of infection which can each lead to chest pain:

      myocarditis — infection and inflammation of the heart muscle.

      pericarditis — infection and inflammation of the heart lining.

      pleurisy — infection and inflammation of the pleura, which is lining of the lungs and chest.

      pleurodynia (Bornholm disease) — infection and inflammation of the intercostal muscles and the muscles attaching the diaphragm to the chest wall, in which any movement of the rib cage causes pain.

      Out of these, I observed myocarditis and pericarditis occur in several people who caught my Coxsackie B4 virus. One of the symptoms of these is shortness of breath, which you mentioned in your video, so myocarditis might be something to consider. Here are the symptoms of myocarditis.

  34. Hip,

    What do you do now for a living? When this pathogen hit your brain after 2 years and you became very sick. Are you having any support from the government in the UK?

  35. hi hip,
    I am experimenting LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C 1 gr. a day ,last 3 mounts . my wife and couple of my friends are using too.
    for me, less tired , less brain fog , better looking skin . My friends tell me same thing . make them keeps going all day. less tired..
    Because pure vitamin c heart my stomach, I choose LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C. I am using ” Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C ” brand, kind of pricey. “www.livonlabs.com”
    i heard lot of good thing about high dose vitamin c , now i am believer too. i read absorption rate for
    LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C % 80 . and regular vitamin c is %15- 20 . so i am taking 800 mg vitamin c every day , recommended amount 60 mg …more than 10 times recommended value of daily amount.
    also last one thing in the .livonlabs company user book said , in two weeks make your skin tighter, in six weeks make your wrinkles disappear . i think they telling truth.

    good luck

  36. Hip,

    I used to be a regular on this site, but became frustrated with no one believing me, including doctors telling me it was just my anxiety. So….this is the first time I’ve been here in about 7 years. Hip, it is good to see that you are still providing support.

    Have you heard of anyone developing melanoma after years of fighting this illness? I developed melanoma like moles within the last couple of years and the doctor biopsied them yesterday, stating that they looked like melanoma and that they would get back to me with the results in a few days. I waited so long to get them biopsied because of my past experience with the doctors.

    I have had this illness approximately 12-13 years.


    • Hi Rusty. I developed several seborrheic keratosis spots on my skin. These looked like they might be melanoma, but a dermatologist said they were seborrheic keratosis which is nothing to worry about.

  37. Edit to my comment above, I was not frustrated with people here not believing me. I was frustrated with friends/family/doctors.

  38. After 15 years’ illness, this is the only place I’ve found my many and disparate symptoms corralled under Coxsackie, so thanks for publishing this. I’ve experienced an appalling disinterest from UK medics, even when I had blood blisters in my soft palate and life was a living death.

    My question is whether, especially in the case of prolonged duration, anyone’s considered in this scenario their haplotypes, typically associated with so-called autoimmunity? Medics only took an interest in me after I insisted on being tested for HLA-B27 to find I was positive. That said, I have yet to broach long-term viral infection with them.

  39. On the subject of liposomal vitamin C, Lipolife (lipolife.co.uk) uses sunflower lecithins to encapsulate the vitamin C which, as a female, would be my preference over soy lecithin encapsulation. It’s similarly priced to the one mentioned here earlier but stats on its website indicate it exceeds the other’s efficacy. It also indicates that the DIY method of producing lipo C isn’t effective, which may of course be perceived as aggressive marketing. Question is, if you’re severely debilitated, have you got time, energy & inclination to shop around for an ultrasonic cleaner, etc?

    I’ve seen (either here or on Dr Chia’s website) that Coxsackie doesn’t destroy cells but exists within them and so wonder if the fat encapsulation of lipo C can penetrate the cells’ membranes to reach the virus? Does anyone of a technical disposition have any thoughts on that?

  40. Hip, I am wondering if the Dominican Republic deaths are tied to enterovirus infection (like a more virulent form of Coxsackie B). They all seem to have a combination of fever, stomach cramps and heart attacks. CVB is notorious for these. Scary!

  41. Hi Hip, I too have many of the symptoms you describe on this website. And thanks to you and this website I have found something that seems to work quite well in me: Oxymatrine. It’s still early days though as I’ve only been on it for about a month.

    Since Oxymatrine works so well I’m also increasingly convinced by the validity of Dr. Chia’s theory (and findings) that these symptoms can be – and often are – caused by an enteroviral infection. Since research is being done into ME/CFS by a number of highly regarded scientists in the End ME/CFS Now project, I was hoping some research was also being done into the enteroviral theory. Regrettably, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    I understand – I believe from one of your posts on PR – that Dr. Chia has been in touch with Dr. Davis on this potential cause. I’d very much like to reinforce the message towards Dr Davis and team that a great many patients support this route of enquiry.

    However, whenever I try and post something about this on PR my posts get deleted almost instantly, without any explanation whatsoever. I was just wondering if you could shed some light onto the issue – you can reach me through a reply here or send me an email on sergeantgerryboyle@gmail.com

    Thanks you so much for all you’ve done and looking forward to your message.

    • Traditionally enteroviruses as a cause of ME/CFS have been ignored in the US (with the exception of Dr Chia), with most ME/CFS doctors in the US mainly interested in herpesvirus causes of ME/CFS (ie, EBV, HHV-6 and CMV causes).

      There was a lot of British research on enterovirus in ME/CFS in the 1970s to 1990s, but after that the UK disgracefully started viewing ME/CFS as an “all in the mind” psychologically caused condition, and since then there has been very little serious ME/CFS research coming from the UK. So it’s only Dr Chia who is holding the fort now on enterovirus.

      You can see all the British enterovirus research (as well as Chia’s research) here: https://me-pedia.org/wiki/List_of_enterovirus_infection_studies

      Prof Ron Davis is planning to see if ME/CFS patients are infected with RNA viruses. Enterovirus comes under the RNA virus category (whereas herpesviruses are DNA viruses). So Davis is on the case.

      It may be that ME/CFS involves a viral infection, but it may be that it also requires other factors to be present before that viral infection leads to ME/CFS. Prof Davis is investigating multiple angles on ME/CFS causes, not just viruses, and I think this is a good thing. But I would also like to see more enterovirus research. I’d like to see more virologists getting interested in ME/CFS, and looking at viral causes.

      In around 1 or 2 years, a brand new potent antiviral for coxsackievirus B will become available (see antiviral section of the Treatments page of this website for info). If this new antiviral is able to greatly improve the symptoms of patients with enterovirus ME/CFS, then it will provide good evidence that enterovirus is a causal factor in ME/CFS.

    • Hi Hip, thanks for your elaborate answer and great to hear that Dr. Davis is actually on the case :) I have read up on the Rega compounds but I understand the formulas (or the intellectual property) has been sold to a large pharmaceutical company? Might be a good idea to reach out them as well to reinforce that there is an active demand.

      Also, yes, a combination of factors may have to be present for ME/CFS to develop or to be susceptible to this virus. However, in view of contagion (stopping people from being contagious by fighting the virus) treatment and research into viral origins could be very valuable.

      Do you believe that the contagious component is in this specific enterovirus? For psychological purposes it would be such a relief knowing you are not unknowingly infecting others.

    • I really don’t know if the coxsackievirus B4 I caught is a more virulent strain of CVB4, and is chronically contagious because of the chronic sore throat it often creates, which may be constantly shedding low levels of viral particles in the saliva infecting others.

      Or whether this type of chronic contagiousness is normal for CVB4, and normal for some of the coxsackievirus B in general (there are 6 serotypes of CVB, named CVB1 to CVB6).

      But other viruses too also pass from human to human, as we are born virus-free, but slowly collect viruses throughout our lives.

  42. Oh PS: have you ever tried S-Acetyl-L-Glutathione? It’s a form of Glutathione with very high bio-availability. It’s pricey but the best energy booster I know of

    • Have not yet tried that version of glutathione, though I’ve always wanted to; I was hoping that the price would go down. Interesting that you find it boosts energy.

      I’ve tried transdermal glutathione, which does not really do much for me, and N-acetyl-cysteine which boosts intracellular glutathione, but again it does not do much for me.

  43. I take it in combination with Oxymatrine and Inosine – all in one go – usually three capsules each which comes down to 300mgs of A-Acetyl-L-Glutathione, 900mg of Oxymatrine and 1500mg of Inosine.

    I’ve found this cocktail can turn a 20% (heavy PEM) day into an about 70-80% energy day in which I’m able to function relatively normally, so worth it for me.

  44. PS Hip: would it be an idea to create a mailing-list for visitors of this site which only sends out essential updates – such as the introduction of the Rega compounds?

    • I did have such a mailing list at one stage, but I have not had any important news to send out for many years.

      The other issue is that I suspect lots of people here will have a different cause for their symptoms; I suspect it will only be a minority that has the same virus as me.

      Not many people find this site either these days. In Aug 2018 Google changed their search results algorithm such that unofficial medical websites like this one become relegated very low in the search results, and official authoritative medical sites are placed at the top of the search results. This is part of Google’s campaign to counter fake news. So these days when you type symptoms such as “chronic sore throat” into Google, you no longer get this website coming up.

      Unfortunately also, you don’t always get scientifically or technically minded people here (unlike the Phoenix Rising forum, which is has a high proportion of techy people). So then it becomes hard to explain to people for example the intricacies of viral testing.

      Very few people here have actually gone to get tested with the sensitive ARUP Lab coxsackievirus B and echovirus antibody tests that are detailed on the FAQ page of this site. Admittedly these tests are expensive, at around $440 each, but I presume some people will be able to get them via their medical insurance. There is also a lab in Greece that offers a similar CVB test for €60, which is very cheap.

    • Thanks again for your elaborate and very helpful reply. I’m truly inspired by your perseverance in researching this and the level of knowledge you have attained.

      I live in The Netherlands, for the ARUP testing I will probably need a referral from an American physician to get those done, do you know? The lab in Greece sounds promising and would the more realistic option. Will look into that.

      I hear what you’re saying on the Google (Medic) update. It’s frustrating since I often find the results surfacing in Google either superficial in nature or just restating what can be read on numerous other websites.

      Even though I am motivated to research scientific literature I’m having to invest all the energy that I do still have to keep financially afloat – and independent. Also, I have to say that I fear I would become consumed by this illness and negativity by going into full-out research mode. Which is why I have all the more respect for how you approach this.

    • ARUP Lab will accept serum samples from abroad if the lab tests have been ordered by your local doctor. Likewise with the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI) in Greece, they will accept the samples if ordered by your local doctor. HPI seems like a better option, given their low price.

      I was actually tested by a lab in the Netherlands, UMC Utrecht, who used to offer a sensitive CVB test using the neutralization method, the method used at ARUP and the HPI. Unfortunately that lab stopped offering the neutralization method (which requires a lot of lab work to perform), and switched to a simpler method called complement fixation, which is much less sensitive, and if I remember rightly does not detect the individual CVB serotypes 1 to 6.

      If you have ME/CFS linked to CVB, you should find you have high antibody levels on these neutralization tests. If you don’t have ME/CFS but caught this virus, your antibody levels will probably not be high, but the levels will be sufficient to indicate that you have caught this virus.

      I find the DuckDuckGo search engine pretty good, and use it sometimes when Google fails me. Unlike Google you can still pick up websites like this one with DuckDuckGo.

  45. Hi Hip and any others reading along, I’ve called with the Hellenic Pasteur Institute – which was quite difficult since you are presented with a Greek IVR :p

    However, I managed to get a hold of an English speaking staff member. Upon asking if you need a referral from a local physician: the answer is no, however this lady did mention this applied when visiting the institute (which I have an intention of doing)

    When asked if they offer Coxsackie B viral testing the answer was they offer the complete Coxsackie B1-B6 testing, however this lady said the ELISA method was used. Which, I believe, is a different method than the more sensitive neutralisation method you speak of.

    They gave me an email address in which I can communicate directly with physicians doing the lab testing. I intend to send them an email making sure they offer the most sensitive method.

    @Hip: I know I’m asking a lot but how would you ask – in a way that only allows for a clear and unambiguous answer, if they offer the right kind of testing?

    Thank you so much!

    • When I wrote by post to the HPI lab in March 2018, they told me that their test is a neutralization one:

      “In our laboratory we utilize a cell culture neutralization assay (CCID50) to measure the antibody titer against virus coxsakie B (B1-B6), in serum samples. The minimum serum quantity needed is 200 μL. We do not offer neutralization tests for echoviruses.The cost of the test for coxsakie virus is 68 Euros/serum. Yes, we can accept samples from UK.”

      I guess it’s possible they may have changed their method since then; alternatively the staff member you spoke to might have made a mistake. I don’t know.

      Here is a part of the letter that I wrote to them:

      “I am writing to ask if the Hellenic Pasteur Institute has a coxsackievirus B and echovirus antibody blood serum test by the neutralization method (plaque reduction neutralization method).

      I am looking for a neutralization test (but not immunofluorescence assay, ELISA, or complement fixation test), because neutralization is the most sensitive testing method for chronic enterovirus infections.”

  46. PS: Would you happen to know of an overview of different types of viral testing just so I can build my knowledge on this front?

    • You have PCR, which detects the presence of the pathogen directly. There are different types of PCR, with different sensitivities. PCR on the blood is often negative in ME/CFS, because chronic CVB exists as an intracellular infection of the tissues (muscle, gut and brain tissues) in ME/CFS patients, and very little virus is found in the blood.

      For this reason, in ME/CFS, antibody tests are used instead. These do not detect the pathogen directly, but measure the immune response to the pathogen. The immune system creates antibodies that specifically target the pathogen, and it is the levels of those antibodies that are measured in the blood.

      In this case, even if the pathogen is hidden in the tissues of an organ, it is possible to detect this infection by testing for antibodies. There are a number of different antibody detection methods, which are listed below. Neutralization is the “gold standard” most sensitive test. Next in terms of sensitivity comes EIA/ELISA and IFA, with these both having a similar sensitivity. The least sensitive is CFT.

      Viral Antibody Detection Methods:

      Neutralization test (various types of neutralization test: micro-neutralization test, plaque reduction neutralization test, cytopathic effect neutralization test).

      EIA (enzyme immunoassay) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). ELISA is a specific type of EIA.

      IFA (immunofluorescence assay, or immunofluorescence test), also called IFT, IF.

      CFT (complement fixation test), also called CF.

      If you have a low-level intracellular infection like chronic CVB in just one organ, then antibody testing may not detect it. This is because the infection is at a low level, so the body does not need to make many antibodies to it. However in ME/CFS, although the CVB infection is at a low-level, it infects multiple organs and tissues, so in this case you can usually detect elevated antibody levels, if you use a very sensitive test such as the neutralization antibody test.

      These days there are also new DNA/RNA sequencing methods of detecting pathogens. Like PCR they detect the pathogen directly. They are are good because they identify a pathogen by its genetic fingerprint, and can even tell you which particular strain of a pathogen you have. However, because very little virus is found in the blood in ME/CFS, if you try to use DNA/RNA sequencing methods on blood samples of ME/CFS patients, you probably will not detect any CVB, unless the patient has severe ME/CFS (in the severe cases, there is a little more virus in the blood). So for ME/CFS, the most useful tests are antibody tests.

  47. Hi Hip,
    In one of your comments, you mentioned that there was medication coming out that will likely eradicate this virus. What is the name of the medication and is it out yet?

    • These new antivirals which target coxsackievirus B4 are code named Rega Compound A and Rega Compound 17 (but when they are brought to market, they will be given different names). Hopefully at least one of these new drugs will be available in around 2021.

      See the antiviral section of the Treatments page for more info.

    • Great…thanks. Also, could you remove my email address off the public comment page and put wjrf which is my original username. Thanks

    • Hi wjrf, nice to see you. I’ve changed it to wjrf (you probably registered for you WordPress account placing your email in username field, which is why it appears).

  48. Hi Hip,

    Have you read about this – a bacterium with inhibitory effects of CVB4 specifically. Not sure how much good it would do taking this as a probiotic as I assume it would only have any effect in the intestinal tract. What are your thoughts on the use of this bacterium as a means to fight CVB4 and how to go about it?

    Best, Gerry Boyle (other account)

    • I had not seen that study before, and it might be worth trying a probiotic with Lactobacillus plantarum in it, or a pure Lactobacillus plantarum probiotic if you can get it.

      However, the study says that it is the bacterial cell wall molecules which have the antivirals effects, and these molecules may be too large to pass through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream. Thus any antiviral benefit of this probiotic may be restricted to the colon only, where probiotic bacteria live.

    • Hip – given that the coxsackie virus is rarely found in the blood stream, and mostly identifiable by a stomach biopsy, isn’t that a pretty strong indication that it is rampant in the tissues of the GI tract, and that therefore gut-focused remedies could be very impactful?

      Further: some majority of the immune system originates in the gut, another point in its favor. In addition, some majority of our neurotransmitters originate in the gut, so its theoretically possible that the virus doesn’t actual infect the brain, but rather disrupts hormones and neurotransmitters which could account for the psychological impact.


    • @Throw Away: In ME/CFS patients, chronic coxsackievirus B infection is found in the muscle tissues throughout the body, in the stomach and intestines, and in the brain itself. My guess is that the brain infection causes the most issues.

      The gut has its own nervous system (enteric nervous system) which produces its own neurotransmitters, but those are not connected to the neurotransmitters used in the brain.

      Also, the majority of the immune system does not originate in the gut. Major immune organs include the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph vessels and lymph nodes.

  49. I have found a product to help with my anxiety. It is the only product that has actually worked. If anyone is interested let me know!

  50. Hip,

    Help me connect some dots here.

    When I first became ill, I lost a significant amount of weight. Urinalysis showed Ketones in urine. My theory was adipose tissue / subcutaneous fat loss. Then later I regained weight on the belly. So, thinner, wrinkle prone, thin skin, coupled with belly fat gain. This is a hallmark of the China virus as well. I believe you hypothesized Leptin resistance.

    We know that these pathogens significantly disrupt hormones due to the impacts on the brain, mood, menstral cycles in women, etc. See this from Adipose tissue on Wikipedia: “Far from being hormonally inert, adipose tissue has, in recent years, been recognized as a major endocrine organ,[2] as it produces hormones such as leptin, estrogen, resistin, and cytokine (especially TNFα).”

    Also: “In humans, adipose tissue is located: beneath the skin (subcutaneous fat), around internal organs (visceral fat), in bone marrow (yellow bone marrow), intermuscular (Muscular system) and in the breast (breast tissue).”

    And: “Adipose tissue contains many small blood vessels. In the integumentary system, which includes the skin, it accumulates in the deepest level, the subcutaneous layer, providing insulation from heat and cold. Around organs, it provides protective padding. However, its main function is to be a reserve of lipids, which can be oxidised to meet the energy needs of the body and to protect it from excess glucose by storing triglycerides produced by the liver from sugars, although some evidence suggests that most lipid synthesis from carbohydrates occurs in the adipose tissue itself.”

    So, it seems that Adipose tissue is critical to energy preservation and release, which means it could play a role in Chronic Fatigue?

    I’ve also read that it plays a significant role in the immune system, which is also disrupted by this pathogen.

    In regards to the China virus in particular, one doctor in China theorized that it was actually a virulent form of Staphylococcus epidermidis:

    “I consulted the medical literature for characteristic bacterial species with resistance to antibiotics… Secondly Staphylococcus epidermidis, which grows on the skin of moist mucous membranes, including the esophagus, resulting in a false membrane: that is, a pseudomembrane (white tongue) which is not septic. Later we will analysis the method of its attack on the human body.”

    White tongue – can’t recall if it is a symptom of your virus, but definitely a symptom of the China virus. Can also impact the esophagus (sore throat?).

    Both viruses have a characteristic sore throat – we know it is not from an active infection at that site. The trachea is made up of Cartilage, a type of connective tissue. So what if the sore throat is not infection (which we know it isn’t, but rather simply being RAW from loss of tissue and constant use of voice and/or food consumption?

    We know a characteristic of both yours and the China virus is a los off connective tissue in key joints (ex. the hip), popping joints in general (the China virus), etc.

    To me, this all seems to point to an attack on connective tissue throughout the body in very characteristic ways, which causes most of the main symptoms, and could also disrupt the immune system and hormones.

    It either attacks it directly or causes the body to metabolize it. What if it is an invasive bacteria such as Staph Epidermis?

    From another forum a while back:
    “Hey guys, just wanted to report in on some progress I am seeing with a medication I have been taking. I got what looked like a staph infection on my arm (basically looked like a bad spider bite). I went to the walk in clinic several days ago and they prescribed me Cephalosporin. I just wanted to say that since I have been taking this antibiotic, I have seen the pain levels in my urethra, pelvis, legs, decrease to almost non-existent! Now the type of bacteria that this is used to treat is staph, strep, and e. coli. So maybe there is at least a portion of what is going on with us that has to do with these type of bacteria.”

    Interesting connections, no? Alternatively, even if it is a Coxsackie virus, it could be a similar mechanism (the virus infecting connective tissues, causing the body to metabolize them to attack the infection?)

    • The only two factors I that found connected to central obesity (abdominal obesity) were human growth hormone deficiency and leptin resistance. I don’t think I have the former, as I got no benefits from injectable HGH. So that suggests leptin resistance.

      The root cause of leptin resistance may be raised SOCS3 due to viral infection, according to this study. SelfHacked also has an article on SOCS3 and leptin resistance. Once you get leptin resistance in the hypothalamus, that results in gaining abdominal fat. SOCS3 also puts the brakes on the immune system, so it may prevent viral clearance as well as causing leptin resistance and a fat belly.

      Coxsackievirus B causes the immune system to secrete enzymes known as matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which degrade connective tissue. I think this may explain the skin wrinkles and receding gum. More info about this here: https://chronicsorethroat.wordpress.com/mid-dermal-elastolysis-skin-wrinkling

    • I find your theory very close to my findings, most people affected around me found staph at some point. Do you have more info on this, what is dosage of Cephalosporin is used to cure this and for how long?

    • Hello throw away,
      How are you ? I have same issue ketones in urine during acute. For how many years you have this ? Do you feel better or not ?

  51. hi hip
    may this work
    ” it stops many common cold viruses and other diseases from spreading in the body. ”

    SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Bay Area scientists believe we are on the verge of a cure for the common cold.

    Teams at Stanford and UCSF have announced a major first step. It involves temporarily disabling a single, specific protein inside our cells.

    RELATED: COLD VS FLU: How to tell the difference

    They found that when that protein is disabled, it stops many common cold viruses and other diseases from spreading in the body.

    Stanford University Associate Professor Jan Carette, PhD said “Traditional anti-viral drugs target the virus itself. But the virus is very smart and it can mutate its way around it. What we do is make the host inhospitable for these viruses. So it’s much more difficult for these viruses to mutate around.”

    Now – the work begins to develop a drug that temporarily disables that protein.

    Once that happens, human trials can begin, and if all goes well, a cure for the common cold could happen soon after.

    • Looks interesting, and should work for coxsackievirus B, the virus described on this website. The paper in Nature indicates that the protein in question is methyltransferase SETD3, and a drug which inhibits this protein should be effective against a broad range of enteroviruses.

      Unfortunately it can take up to 15 years to develop a new drug and bring it to market.

      However, in around a year or two, a potent new antiviral drug which targets coxsackievirus B will become available (see the Rega Compound on the Treatments page of this site). So I am looking forward to trying that new drug.

  52. Hi Hip.
    I am from Asia and suffer much from this. It is said that chitosan is useful.
    Then could you please give me your email address and I have some interesting information to share with you.
    Thanks a lot.

  53. So this is how i treated and pretty much cured this condition.

    1st I took the antiviral symetrell and knocked out the anexiety which as others stated could be from a borna virus.

    Once that was out I used MCT Coconut oil for the mental fog. I my opinion there is a coinfection with a fungal (mostly likely a yeast infection) and that cleared up my gut issues so mct with probiotics was a must for me.

    I also did high dose treatment with lysine which got the “red” out of my face and got rid of the “flushed” feeling.

    The last thing that helped were the sports GUs (yep the brand GU) like what athletes take. They contain 3 sets of amino acids that aren’t found in any other way in my travels that made a huge difference. Hope this all helps.

  54. Hi Hip.
    Just wondering about the Selenium dosage – have you been taking it consistently every day? And for quite a few years?

    • Yes, 400 mcg of selenium (as Se-methyl-L-selenocysteine) daily on an empty stomach. It works for me, but most other ME/CFS patients who tried it did not get major benefits.

  55. hi hip


    Composition for the treatment of viral infections including HIV
    A composition for use in treating viral infections includes: 25%-75% Thymol (crystals of Bishop’s Weed) by weight; 20%-40% fruit of Chebulic myroblan by weight; and 5%-35% leaves of Holy Basil by weight…

    I would like to learn your opinion.

    thank you

    • May have slight antiviral effects for some viruses.

      Thymol is slightly antiviral for herpes simplex virus 1, chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) is modesty antiviral for cytomegalovirus.

  56. Hello

    Do you know any other disease its brain-fog symptom can be cured with yeast-free selenomethionine and anxiety symptom with NAG? These two treatments works for me, but not anything else.

    Thank you

  57. Have you guys ever considered microdosing mushrooms? There are (recent) studies to it, which show the positive effects and i can only say… im anxiety and depression free and never felt emotional more balanced.

  58. Hip and all followers of this blog, I implore you to listen to this podcast – the whole thing. It gets better as it goes on:


    It’s with Judy Mikovitz. This virus, XMRV, Corona, and many others, all explained here, along with the corruption of government organizations. Well worth the two hours to understand how the world works right now, and what we are currently experiencing.

    • She is quite specific in her knowledge of virology and immunology, and recounting of certain events.

      Much of history is the result of conspiracy.

    • Even scientists can become victim of mental health conditions like schizotypy, which predispose people to seeing conspiracy theories everywhere.

    • So just to be clear, are you aware of Judy specifically having this condition? Have you listened to the information presented in the podcast? Or are you just rejecting it all due to generally being closed off to anything you don’t currently agree with?

    • I have followed the Judy Mikovits story of XMRV day by day since the very early years, when her first XMRV study was published. I have discussed her XMRV work extensively with dozens of knowledgable people and medical experts on ME/CFS forums. I’ve read the reports of other virologists on her work. I have probably spent 1000s of hours reading the XMRV story. So I have a lot of background understanding of this.

      What’s your background knowledge on this complex subject? And what level of scientific understanding do you have (because virology is a hard subject, so you need to have a scientific mindset to even begin to grips with it).

      I hope you are not one of these people who get easily sucked into a conspiracy theory yarns. Because I have come across lots of people like that in the XMRV area. If someone is a conspiracy theory aficionado, then there’s no hope of ever speaking rationally or scientifically to them, as they are probably suffering from a touch of schizotypy, or have a hint of psychosis that colors their thinking.

      Schizotypy is quite common. About 4% of the population have it. Why do you think there are so many nutty conspiracy theories around? It’s in part because 4% of the population have their mind colored by schizotypy.

      I would suggest that anyone prone to conspiracy theory literature consider low doses of an antipsychotic drug, such as the very low dose amisulpride I detail in the treatments page of this website. Also, personally, I found that the supplement N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) was useful in combatting my own mild psychosis symptoms, which appeared after my virus infected my brain (encephalitis) and caused some brain damage.

      As a result of my viral infection, I’ve experience a whole array of mental health symptoms: depression, anhedonia, blunted affect, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and some mild psychosis. Having experienced these myself, I’ve become aware of when others appear to suffer from them. And suffer is the operative word, as some mental health condition are literally like living in hell. That’s why if I can help someone treat their mental health conditions, I feel I have done something useful.

    • I do not personally suffer from any such issue, and do not have enough exposure to Mikovitz to opine as to whether she does. I have only vaguely heard of her and the XMRV scandal prior to this. I do not engage specifically in conspiracy theories, or politics, but try to discern truth from information available from various sources.

      Maybe she’s a partial nut job, I can’t see. However, she gave very specific information in that podcast, such as specifically being a scientist who placed viruses on various surfaces to test their survivability, and found that Corona, HIV, etc. last 10 minutes or less, whereas XMRV viruses could be reconstituted with water 3 days or more later.

      She also indicated that our method of developing vaccines by passing pathogens through mice brains and other animal tissue is what allows them to mutate and infect humans with new and unknown strains.

      She seems to be extremely close to the science, and claims to be on the team of researches who discovered that HIV was a causative agent in AIDs.

      What do you know of these claims, and others like it, rather than debating her current mental state?

    • Partial nut job is I think a good description. She’s trained virologist, but I fear went a bit off the rails mentally. Not the only scientist to do this in the history of science.

      I am well aware of her claims about vaccines spreading viruses into the human population. However, medical science is an extremely difficult subject, and even results from the very best (and totally sane) medical scientists should not be assumed true, unless their results are fully replicated and corroborated by many other laboratories. Getting to a scientific truth requires the whole of the scientific community to collaborate on it.

      Thus any statement made by even the most brilliant medical scientists needs to be taken with a pinch of salt, until such time it is proven by independent labs around the world. That’s how medical science actually works.

      Few people know that Judy Mikovits is also herself a long-term suffer of an ME/CFS-like illness, and anyone with ME/CFS will tell you that its common to experience comorbid mental health conditions if you have ME/CFS (not surprising if the virus has infected the brain).

      Mikovits is making money from her books, because the general public likes a good conspiracy theory; but for me, I’ve had to spend hours and hours of my time explaining to people on ME/CFS forums why her books are not good science. So I have been through this conversation before. Mikovits’s views are not held in high regard by other ME/CFS researchers either, even researchers who specialize in searching for viral causes of ME/CFS.

      It’s a fact that most medical researchers struggle to get their views heard. Dr John Chia for example champions the enterovirus view of ME/CFS, and I rate his work. My ME/CFS appeared to be triggered by enterovirus. However, very few other researchers have taken on board Chia’s view that enterovirus are a major cause of ME/CFS. But Chia does not go around creating some conspiracy theory sob story that nobody is listening to him. As a good scientist, he knows the only way to get other scientists to listen is to provide more solid evidence for enterovirus as a cause of ME/CFS. So he tries to do that.

      Science is very hard work, and it takes decades to of painstaking dedication to get results. If nobody believes you, the answer is not to publish conspiracy theory books, but to work harder in the lab.

    • Fair points. However, not believing there are any conspiracies is just as foolish as believing all negative events are caused by them. For example, it has been proven that Tobacco companies knew tobacco was dangerous for decades before the information was finally released. Large conglomerate industries try to suppress truth for financial gain, almost as a rule. Would it be such a stretch to fathom that Pharma companies would suppress or otherwise discredit data or research that indicated vaccines might be somewhat harmful?

      For example, she claims to have had data that the MMR vaccine does in fact cause autism, *for susceptible populations*, such as African American children under the age of 3 who were shown to have a significantly higher likelihood.

      Your virus has never been definitively diagnosed, and yet you suffer from it, and there are many others with a similar story. Is it so hard to believe that all of our laboratory manipulations might have unleashed as least a few mutant pathogens into the general population?

  59. Has anyone here had their NK (Natural Killer Cell) levels tested? I suffer from pretty much every symptom listed listed on this website and I was found to have a very low NK cell count.

    Also, my CD8 count was increased and my CD8/CD28 ratio way out of bounds

    • NK cell counts can be low in many Chronic Diseases

      a specific subtype called CD57+ is often low in Chronic Lyme disease – but not for every patient

      general disruptions of white cell counts and immunoglobulins are common in many chronic infectious diseases – but also in other auto-immune conditions etc – so not super specific
      (And again there are experts who believe all auto-immunity is ultimately due to infection in any case as the ultimate proof of the cause of auto-immunity is so far lacking).

      my CD57+ count was about 1/10th of the normal average reading

      it’s not a very specific metric, unfortunately, at least in terms of confirming a diagnosis – however, if it is low, it does track recovery well. So can be used as a measure of treatment efficacy

  60. Hi. Just found this website. I am a veteran of >25 years with this awful disease although how I have survived for so long I do not know. I have found that after the initial period of infection (which lasted many years) I now get good periods and terrible relapses – usually following another infection. The consensus on this website seems to be that a virus is the causative agent but has anyone considered Mycoplasma or fungus? The work done by Dr Fry in Arizona looks promising.

    • Chlordioxide for the virus (research in depth, not the superficial propaganda) and psilocybin for the mood. Thats it guys.

  61. hi hip

    Parijat Leaf Powder (Night Jasmine)
    1 mount ago i used Night Jasmine powder herb for 1 week only and i got some benefits, i wish you use it , i got 30 grams powder $8 shipping included . generally i feel better and my food intolerance got easy make me cool down .. i only used 10-15 grams of it i put .1 gram (1/3-1/2 tea spoon ) in boiling water (1 -1.5 glass ) 5 minutes continue boil and let it cool down and drink . make 1 morning and 1 night for 7 days ..
    i am also using vitamin d 5000 iu daily
    dont use long time . dont use with vitamin c . may be herxheimer reaction first 2- 3 days or something else than get better.
    i got powder from here. https://www.etsy.com/shop/RAMMANNA123
    good luck man

  62. hi hip
    i used liposomal Artemisinin.
    3 weeks ago. only 1 week i used , 2 week passed and i am still good. . i am sure got rid off one germ .
    i know everybody different every bodies germ or virus is different . i feel like i am free one culprit
    my sore throat and swollen tonsills gone. my occasionall dizziness gone . no more brain fog.
    sleep better. stomach bloating gone , better digestion , before i felt tingling/ pain in my prostate i dont feel anymore. my arthritis on my fingers stop developing , get better.
    i hope i am not exaggerating . i dont know how many times i go to doctor.
    how many different antibiotic i used. it didnt work but i am allright now.

    it cost me around $35 4 oz with shipping , one taple spoon morning 20 minutes before breakfast one table spoon before sleep . i mix it with water and drink it.
    i got idea using liposomal artemisinin from this you tube video

    Dr.Frid: Helpful Treatment for Persistent Infections: Lyme and Babesia

    i wish every body good health , i wish everybody find their cure.

  63. I am wondering how useful PCR analysis of our bodily fluids could be for us? I have a strong suspicion whatever infection I have is expressed in my saliva and also prostatic fluid. I have CFS and also POIS.

    I have found labs offering PCR testing for bacterial and fungal infections, but not viral.

    So I’m wondering if this is something that could be done at home. A web search for the terms ‘DIY PCR’ brings up some articles, one mentions that some machines have been crowdfunded, and a search for ‘crowdfund PCR machine’ brings up a few.

    I am intellectually crippled by this illness, so doubt I could figure it out for myself. Maybe a group of sufferers could join together to help fund it, but we would have to be careful the funds are handled appropriately.

    • Unfortunately even the most sensitive PCR lab blood tests will usually miss chronic enterovirus infections, because in the chronic case, almost no virus is found in the blood; rather the infection resides in the tissues, such as brain, intestine or muscle tissues.

      ME/CFS doctors usually use antibody tests to check for chronic infections in ME/CFS. In the case of the coxsackievirus B, the virus detailed on this website, Dr John Chia says only neutralization-type antibody tests are sensitive enough to detect chronic coxsackievirus B.

      Neutralization antibody tests are very hard to find, but ARUP lab in the US offers a coxsackievirus B test by micro-neutralization. And IMD lab in Germany has coxsackievirus B neutralization tests.

      For more info on the way ME/CFS doctors test ME/CFS patients, see my roadmap document, in the coxsackievirus B section: https://mecfsroadmap.altervista.org

      See also the FAQ page of this blog: https://chronicsorethroat.wordpress.com/faq/

  64. Hi Hip,

    I finally discovered how to get back onto this site.😊
    It’s good to communicate with you again. I hope you’ve been well under the circumstances. I wanted to ask you if the viral medication we anticipated for this virus ever came to market?
    Thank you

    • Hi wjrf14

      If you mean the Rega Compounds, no those have not come to market yet. Maybe in a few years. They are not likely to eradicate the virus though, just reduce its levels. So not really worth waiting for.

      Provided this virus has not triggered a chronic disease in you, then you are doing well. Diseases it can trigger include heart valve diseases, myocarditis, glaucoma, type 1 diabetes and ME/CFS.

  65. hi hip

    i believe mimosa pudica kill epstein barr virus. i tried my self tincture in alcohal extrac1 mount ago only 5 days . i am feeling very good. my wife tried 12 days i saw big change about her pain. and my brother in law now using his knee pain got low just in 3 days .he is look very happy.
    none of us experience any bad side effect. my digestion got better. me my wife sleep better. more energy.
    i bougth about $25 from https://tropilab.com/
    Mimosa pudica – Tincture / 2 fl.oz
    20.80 20.80
    All prices are in US Dollars Subtotal 20.80
    Shipping 6.75
    TOTAL 27.55

    good luck

  66. Hello,
    I will give you a free advice. Rub inside the nostrils of a healthy adult/teenager slim and healthy mental. Then put that cotton swab in a isotonic solution and wash frontal sinus (head down) and put in palm and sniff it each nostril. I guess this should take care of your problems for good. Don’t be grossed out by this. At least is not poo. All the best.

  67. Hi hip, I found this blog years ago when I believe I initially caught this virus in 2015. Ever since, I just kind of suppressed thinking about it because there was clearly nothing I could do with many doctors just sending me to a psychiatrist. In the recent months I’ve been feeling quite bad again. I’ve noticed left side body weakness and some shaking while trying to finish workouts. I don’t know if there are nuerological problems associated with this disease or not. Also I noticed I will pull muscles and or have more “slack” in some ligaments especially in legs. I’m not sure if covid has worsened my symptoms or it’s stress from everything going on.

    I googled some of my newer symptoms to find they are shared with people with diseases like MS and ALS. I sincerely hope it isn’t those things but could this virus trigger those things potentially?

    Also, im an avid sports fan. I’ve noticed the past year or so there is a huge jump in soft tissue injuries across all sports. Could this be a reason? Just how ubiquitous is this virus at this point? I feel as if the vast majority of people in the world have it. At what point will we start to realize all these strange things and symptoms happening before any real investigation or acknowledgement is made?

    • It’s hard to say whether any symptoms that appear years down the line are a result of CVB4. If the disease is associated with CVB4, then it’s possible.

  68. So, I have a lot of similar symptoms, yet I don’t know if I have this specific virus or not. I’m actually at the point of seeking “medical intuitives” and asking them.

    Having found this sight, however, I will look into the special blood test that is being recommended (however, I had a high-specificity test for the coacksvirus as well as a DNA spectroscopy stool test for the virus… Neither showed a viral presence).

    I have 4 babesia species of Lyme 92 of which are uncommon), 2 forms for mold (Asperilligus B1 and Verrumicin J), only one heavy metal (which is a metal used in MRI dyes, which is where I most likely got it), and glyphosate. The one virus found in my stool is called “Caudovirali”.

    The lab wrote:
    Caudovirali is the Order name in the taxonomy—these are actually a very common virus and there is a Wikipedia page if this is helpful to you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudovirales and more in-depth science here too: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/caudovirales

    My Sx include:
    1) Cranial nerve sensitization with eating or emotions
    2) Muscle tissue loss (esp in buttocks and lower legs…now back) — my functional medicine doctor sees this as due to the mold
    3) Fat pad loss on feet and hands, and deeply impacted the heels of both feet (actually disrupting the concentration of collagen…as if the fascia broke down and let my body disperse it other paths of my foot!)
    4) sensation of something “crawling” and occasional muscle twitches
    5) Pins/needles in lower portion of both calf muscles to the bottom of my feet
    6) HR increases at night, awaking me
    7) Sclera (white part) of eyes have had small red squiggly lines — that developed early on
    8) something blocking my ear

    I am athletic and love to move my body. This pathogen — whatever it is — has attempted to ruin that but I am pushing back. Keep moving… it will at least help the body drain the devastating impacts. I just now avoid intense pounding due to heels.

    What seems to help me is Thyme Oil, topically applied to my skin. I even put some into my belly button (my Ayurvedic doctor said that potent oils placed there go to all 72,000 Nadi points in the body — aka the body’s energy centers).

    This “virus” will have a cure. It may not come from allopathic medicine, but it will be cured. Stand strong and firm.

    Finally, I’ve found that “grapefruit” essential oil applied to my skin helps a lot with any skin-level discomfort.

  69. I would first like to start off on this website saying that I have what Hip is going through down to every last symptom. But first I would like to know, has anyone experienced angiogenesis (vein growth or more noticeable veins) anywhere such as hands, feet, neck, stomach, eyes? This issue and the paralysis I have in hands and feet are causing the most concern. I would also like to note that I have gone to the vascular doctor, cardiologist, and many different neurologists MANY times. All have noticed and documented issues, but no one has been able to find a cause. Thank you.

    • Greetings!

      While I do not have a number of Hip’s issues, I will say that I’ve had noticeable vein expansion on my hands. On feet, I’ve had collagen loss. (More like the Chinese variant).
      When you say « paralysis » do you mean « numbness »?
      I have found exercise and physical therapy to be the best aids. In addition, I take MSM for connective tissue support and ALA for nerve support.
      May this help you, and May we all find an everlasting cure. For me this debacle is deepening my faith walk too as there are many signs of healings for even HIV. Stay hopeful.

  70. Has anyone experienced head sensations and ‘clicking’ or ´crackling’ noises in your head, alone with head tension in the scalp?


    • I would like to inform you that I am experiencing VERY similar issues to this. From all of the symptoms I have gathered, I assume this has to do with my sinuses. I initially believed I was hearing this cracking at the top of my head inside. Upon further inspection, I now realize that it is kind of near my eye area. Sometimes I hear popping and crackling behind my nose. My ears are also feeling incredibly full (Working theory is that there is an issue between sinuses and eustachian tube to ear.) As for the tension, I have experienced this as well. It went away after about a month, but it was ruthless.

    • Shay: Thank you for replying and sharing your experience. I am so sorry, however, that another human is experiencing this pain — especially in the head. I’m glad that you cleared it in a month. For me — it’s been about 7 months!

      I’ve had extensive and costly ENT exams and scans. They found that I have ‘eustachian tube dysfunction’ but found that my ears and sinuses were pristine — no inflammation.

      I also had multiple eye exams — including neuro-opthamaology. They found that the nerves are healthy and well connected to my brain.

      I believe that what I have was acquired sometime in 2020. I was initially able to overcome key issues through exercise. Exercise still helps me — but something is sinister with this.

      I’m a healthy athletic type and in no way should I be going through any of this mess.

      I’ll keep you posted on what works.

      Thus far, Systemic International’s Phase I (cellular cleanse) helps. I start the body phase at the end of Dec, and then begin the brain phase in Feb.
      These products deep cleanse to allow the body to override disorders.

      Given the activity in my head area I’ll be on the brain one for 90 days.

      Finally I should add that the ONLY definitive exam was a qEEG, which showed lower brain activity on the left side!! The cause is unknown.

      They’ve looked for parasites, mold, fungi etc. Infectious disease says I don’t have an ID. I was diagnosed with 4 Lyme species, and mold (via urine). I get serum tested for mold tomorrow.

      If this comes up positive I’ll let you know.

      Lastly…I’ve been soooo desperate to know the cause that I went to a few ‘medical intuitives’. 2/3 were consistent in saying that the source is my stomach and GI. There is something toxic there (but not parasitic nor viral).

      I’ll try more cleanses.

      There has to be a way out!!

    • Hello! I am coming back to check in on you. Any health updates or improvements? You can reach out to me on my facebook “Shaina Saul” and I live in Nevada. Thank you.

  71. I think I have this, or something similar. Around 2016 I contracted EBV. Then back in January 2019, I become really sick, not sure what I had, it lasted for several weeks. Started out with a sore throat, that has never really gone away. My muscles and joints hurt so bad I could barely get out of bed, they aren’t as bad as they were then, but still an issue. My eyes burned, my vision was blurring, I was so tired all the time. If I exercised, it made it worse. I had headaches and issues with my heels being extremely rigid and painful in the mornings. I kept getting cold sore after cold sore, which they put me on an anti-viral for before it finally cleared up. I developed some sort of neuropathy throughout my entire body, but mostly in my legs. I started getting out of breath just going up the stairs, and started having a lot of bowel issues, finally called my doctor. I still deal with all of this, just not as extreme a level. We did a physical, and she said it was my thyroid and started me on Armor, but I am on a ridiculously low dose. We did a throat scope and found nothing other than a red and irritated throat at the back of my mouth. We decided to start cutting out things from my diet to see if that would help with my bowels. So I took the Armor, I found gluten was really irritating my bowels and sometimes dairy. A year later I told her, I am feeling better, but not better. She said it is probably my EBV acting up still because my thyroid levels were good, and labeled me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A year later, I went in for my annual GYN appointment and was told I had HPV, but no other STD’s were detected. She got me back on birth control because she thought my endometriosis might be causing the lower pelvic issues. I had my eyes checked, they were fine, she said it sounded like overuse and exertion. After these two appointments, my anxiety went through the roof, and this seemed to trigger or make a lot of the symptoms bad again. I got a sorer throat at one point, so bad I thought I had Strep, but my test came back negative, we also tested my throat for STDs at that time to see if maybe I had something else, everything was negative. My boyfriend said he didn’t have one, so it must just be something I was dealing with. My sore throat subsided in about a week, to the normal just always semi-noticeable sore throat, but the fatigue came back with a vengeance and I began feeling like I had a lump in my throat when I swallow. Then I got Covid, which never got bad, and I recovered fairly quickly, except for these symptoms that I had been dealing with before, (occasionally I will feel a vibration-like sensation in my body too). I researched HPV and none of these were symptoms of it. I complained to my Doctor again, she rechecked my thyroid levels and said, she believed it was my EBV acting up still, my blood work showed a slight elevation in MCH and MCV and Basophils Absolute, and a slight decrease in Lymphocytes. But my doctor didn’t seem too worried about any of that, she was more concerned about my levels of anxiety. So I have just been suffering, trying not to let it get the best of me, taking vitamins, lots of rest, doing yoga, and walking. I tried a host of supplements, but none seemed to help. I have started getting weird stitches/runner’s cramps in my sides and tenderness around my belly button area, stomachaches, UTI sensations, and my jaw hurts now, which might be because I am always clenching it. (I haven’t noticed papery skin though or the V-neck rash, my skin will feel itchy, but I haven’t gotten any rashes). My boyfriend and I recently got Covid again, and now my ears are on fire and I keep feeling off-balance, especially in the evenings. No one I know has been complaining of these issues until my boyfriend started complaining of a persistent sore throat just these last couple of months (we’ve been together for almost 2 years). He is going in for a physical this month. He has much better insurance than I do, I am curious what they find. My anxiety is at an all-time high, it keeps racing with horrible thoughts like “I am dying, what if I have cancer, should I test for HIV, I must have throat cancer, is this all in my head, do I have an autoimmune disease, am I ever going to feel normal and good again, maybe it is really just my anxiety causing all this, I’ve made my boyfriend sick, maybe I should just die”, and I have found myself isolating and not wanting to talk or interact with anyone, which I am an introvert, so not new…but definitely more so than ever before. I am in the process of scheduling my next annual exams, blood work, physical, thyroid levels, mammogram, pelvic exam, but my anxiety is so intense I am getting nauseated and have canceled twice. I ordered an at-home colon cancer screening kit, still waiting for the results, and now I am considering an HIV test. Going to get the SeMCS and try that. My insurance is crap, so I only go in when I absolutely have to (annual exams basically)- but something is wrong, and so much of what you have here sounds familiar, or do I just want it to?

  72. chronic disease is very tricky to diagnose – many pathways can lead to very similar symptoms
    however, for those suffering the type of symptoms discussed here:
    -sore throats
    -mood issues
    -digestive issues
    -skin/collagen thinning / tissue loss
    -general malaise
    -bladder issues
    -gum disease
    -fibromyalgia like aches and pains
    all of these and more can be caused by a very small and often overlooked bacteria called bartonella.
    this is very often overlooked or dismissed because the medical text books say its supposed to be a self resolving temporary febrile illness.

    however, this is a very new zoonotic infection, until around 1980 there were only 2 or 3 known species
    – and 40 species have now been discovered and the majority of these have been found to cause illness in humans – often chronic illness. But the presentation varies from person to person and is difficult to diagnose.

    This infection is typically missed by all primary care physicians because serological testing is very poor at detecting it. Many studies are available in the scientific literature that show that even in patients with proven active infection, serology is positive in less than 50% of cases. There is also a high degree of variability of antigens in the many species and strains and test labs typically only test for 2 of them making false negative test results even more common.

    conventional medical wisdom says that any blood infection will drive high fevers and serious acute illness – hence be easy to diagnose – but this is not the case with bartonella as it is able to suppress the normal immune response. PCR based testing is also unreliable due to sporadic presence of the organism in the blood.

    it is mainly a zoonotic infection – meaning it is typically spread from animals to humans. it can be transmitted via a multitude of vectors – biting flies, ticks, lice, fleas, or their faeces and likely many others. it can also be spread from cat scratches or bites or exposing broken skin to pet secretions eg saliva. its not well studied if it can be transmitted human to human by sexual contact or secretions, but it is known other members of the same bacterial genus can be.

    the disease often has a very long latent or refractory period between infection and illness – weeks or months or sometimes years – so it can be very hard to connect it with the incident that infected you.

    the disease is fast gaining recognition as a driver of chronic illness and several specialist MD’s are now focussed on researching and treating it.

    i have been ill with a chronic debilitating illness with all of these symptoms for 7 years – including all of the symptoms listed on the front page of this site – my partner became ill with the same symptoms at the same time. i have seen many doctors including, general practitioners, rheumatologists, gut specialists and 4 infectious disease experts – i have had every test they could think of and a further battery of private tests, that I paid for. none have detected bartonella or pointed to an obvious infectious cause. That is how difficult it is to detect.

    however recently i purchased a microscope learned how to stain slides and found unmistakeable evidence of bartonella in my red blood cells around 3 months ago, after years of searching for answers.
    This may sound like a strong claim but if you research the topic you will find very few bacteria are able to invade and multiply inside red blood cells and no other known bacteria do this in the same characteristic pattern as bartonella. so, if you are lucky enough to see this presentation ,you can be confident in the diagnosis.
    if this sounds like a rank amateur who has gone off down his own rabbit hole, immersed in his own world of confirmation bias, i can understand that sentiment, but i am a highly rational individual with a successful history in technical disciplines to a high level, prior to my illness, And the above represents the outcome from 7 years relentlessly researching the scientific literature and investigating possible causes, as part of a rational and systematic process of elimination.
    if anyone is still in any doubt i am happy to post images of my blood.

    i am now in treatment, making progress and around 50% recovered – i am now able to do workouts and looking for part time work.

    i know Hip is convinced his issues are driven by a enterovirus – i am not saying that isn’t the case or wishing to derail his work to document and raise awareness of that here.

    i am just posting this to make people aware there are other organisms out there that can present with the same type symptoms, some of which are present in our environment at a high prevalence and should not be overlooked.

    bartonella is present in every country in the world, it has been found in every mammalian species that has so far been studied – including whales and dolphins. it is particularly prevalent in small and medium sized mammals – eg rodents and animals that prey upon them.

    pet ownership, especially cats that go outdoors is a high risk factor, as a very high proportion carry bartonella organisms. As are flea or tick bites or bites from any biting arthropod. or direct bites or scratches from cats or dogs. Veterinarians and their families have some of the highest seropositive rates and rates of baronellosis in the scientific studies. Any outdoor activity is associated with higher risk of infection but, because of the multiple routes, a person doesn’t have to be outdoorsy to become infected.

    information on bartonella from two of the world leading experts here

    support and information also available in this Facebook group here

    (i have no financial link with either of the above)

    i hope you all find your own answers and path forward

    • Bartonella is definitely a microbe which can lead to chronic symptoms similar to those of ME/CFS.

      Many pathogens have been linked to ME/CFS, various enteroviruses, various herpesviruses, Chlamydia pneumoniae, parvovirus B19, and nowadays we may have to add coronavirus to this list.

      Ben, you may like my ME/CFS roadmap document, which details all the ME/CFS-associated pathogens, including Bartonella: https://mecfsroadmap.altervista.org

    • thanks for the roadmap link Hip – a great deal of work has gone into that

      I would however like to point out that the current remarks on bartonella testing do not quite capture the degree of difficulty in testing for this organism in humans.

      -levels of bacteraemia are extremely low and sporadic in chronic illness ( PCR is poor – something under 50% sensitive acc to several studies)

      there are 40 possible species / strains – most labs only test for 2 of them – a huge gap

      – there are multiple strain specific antigens that mean even if you have one of the two species that labs typically test for via serology – there is still a high probability the test will miss it – as around 45 antigens are needed to cover the known genotypes

      – the best test available in the world today ( galaxy dd-ePCR with triple draw) – by the worlds most respected lab for bartonella – can still only claim 49% sensitivity in its published validation study

      as a result many members here could have been for regular bartonella testing – or even specialist lab testing – been told they have a negative test and gone on searching for another cause – all the while bartonella may be the root of it.

      you are of course correct that other organisms have been associated with ME/CFS – but the term ME/CFS is actually a rubbish diagnosis – it is just a constellation of symptoms that could be caused by multiple mechanisms or pathogens – as your extensive roadmap highlights.

      i pick out bartonella – not only because of my own highly typical case – but because:

      1, exposure risk for humans is very high – through our companion animals, sexual contact, biting bugs etc (as an example – bartonella species have been found in studies to be the most common pathogen found in rodents in the wild – for instance in the bank vole – the most common mammal species in Europe)

      2, symptoms fit is extremely good
      -CNS related issues, like anxiety, depression, reduced cognitive function and PEM – all through small vessel disease in the brain – this slows or blocks both the supply of energy and nutrients to these sensitive tissues – and reduces the
      -digestive issues – bartonella is documented to be a direct cause of both gastritis and colitis
      -red crescents – bartonella is known to cause red crescents at the back of the throat often associated with CFS
      -skin issues, bartonella lives in the skin and collagen tissues – damaging them via inflammatory mechanisms and via small vessel disease directly in the blood and lymph vessels – causing them to be distorted at the microscopic scale – various skin issues that may come an go including skin thinning or thickening – hyper pigmentation or hypopigmentation – premature aging etc
      -immune system suppression – such that other pathogens can gain a foot hold – further complicating the picture
      – the general mechanism of small vessel disease – which can effect any organ in the body can satisfactorily explain all symptoms associated with CFS/ME and more – where an enterovirus may not do so quite so well

      whilst chronic viral infections may indeed be a cause of similar symptoms in some people – in general otherwise healthy humans tend to deal with viral infections rather well through an acute phase and robust immune response and are then able to keep them in check. (i know not all – but as a general pattern)

      on the other hand all vector born infections have evolved to be immunosuppressive and chronic in nature – as the mechanism by which they are transmitted is a relatively rare event and infection must persist and evade immune response if the pathogen is to be transmitted to new hosts.

      my point being that whilst we can never rule out the possibility that you or i are just unlucky enough to have some very rare thing.

      at a population level – or for instance a random sampling of hundreds of people from around the world – such as this website – will tend to follow a distribution of what is more common generally – based on exposure and susceptibility.

      we could debate the exposure angle – but in general i have a hard time believing that all of the people visiting here, or even the majority, are suffering from symptoms of a common viral infection that has become chronic and intractable, but which most people seem to clear or tolerate.

      the balance of probabilities to my mind at least favours those things that are designed to and known to cause chronic illness as their primary mode of operation. Especially when the symptoms match is so good – and a perfect explanation for why such an infection will be missed in the majority of cases already exists.
      in addition when a human gets a zoonotic infection evolved for other mammals it can be much harder for our immune system to deal with – as we are not yet adapted to fight it.

      I do however think that viral infections can and do reactivate when something else dysregulates or suppresses the immune system. so perhaps rather than an “EITHER this/OR that” discussion – it is more a case of a “this AND that” effect

      again – i do not wish to derail any of the good work you are doing to try to share information and help fellow sufferers – i would just not want large numbers of people to stop looking at other possible, and currently treatable causes for their health issues, because they got as far as this site – assumed this is what they have and stopped looking.

      We are at a new frontier in medicine – where, now that we have figured out how to find and treat all the easy ones, the role of chronic hidden bacterial infections is coming to the fore.

      Chronic bacterial infections have been proven to exist in many varied, but previously idiopathic chronic illnesses: Stomach ulcers, COPD, Asthma, non-malignant prostatitis, interstitial cystitis, many forms of arthritis, in the valves and plaques of heart disease patients, in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, inside several types of cancer tumours – this list goes on – and yet in all of these cases serological testing is typically negative or unremarkable.

    • Yes, there is often lots of complexity to pathogen testing, and that is the case with most of the pathogens in the roadmap. The roadmap only scratches the surface of that testing complexity, as it is only intended to provide a pointer to the various factors that may be involved in ME/CFS. People then need to go to other websites to read more in depth info.

      One major issue with pathogens is that you find with the pathogens linked to ME/CFS is that these same pathogens are often present in healthy controls. The latest high sensitivity tests for example have found Borrelia present in about half the population (this new test was developed at the University of Leicester, and involves bacteriophages).

      So how can half the population have Borrelia, yet most remain healthy? These are the questions we need to answer.

      Bartonella would not be able to fit the features of the pathogen described on this website, as I don’t think Bartonella can be transmitted from human to human by normal social or household contact, whereas the virus I caught transmits to others.

      As for the immune system being able to control viruses in the body, well a whole host of chronic diseases have now been linked to low-level smoldering viral infections in the body. In fact almost every chronic disease or cancer that you can think of has been linked to viruses, as well as to bacteria.

      This article may interest you: List of chronic diseases linked to infectious pathogens

  73. hi hip
    another virus is cytomegalovirus. produce same symptoms coxsackievirus b4, new HIV-like virus in China. same family of Epstein Barr virus. I personally believe mimosa pudica leaf tincture kills cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr virus, i am not sure it kills coxsackievirus b4 . this is uncharted area.
    good luck.

  74. Thanks Hip

    Can you send or post the link to the phage based testing for borrelia.
    To my knowledge RED labs were the only people doing this.

    I absolutely agree that we need to understand the issue of the presence of many of these organisms in apparently healthy people.

    All the best !

  75. OK will have a search – sounds like University of Leicester were involved in developing the red labs test ? didn’t know that

    ref usefulness of testing – absolutely agreed – the same goes for many of the chronic bacterial infections. The old concept of infected / not infected is now outdated and serological testing for chronic infections is severely limited.

    • Ben, you may also be interested in a completely new theory of ME/CFS, proposed by Dr Igor Markov in the Ukraine. He says ME/CFS is caused by a chronic bacteria dysbiosis in the KIDNEYS (not dysbiosis in the gut, which most bacteria-focused ME/CFS researchers assume is the issue).

      Dr Markov says antibiotics cannot fix this kidney dysbiosis (and may make it worse in the long term), but autovaccines can address it. He says he has treated over 4000 ME/CFS patients with his own special autovaccine therapy to kill the bacterial dysbiosis in the kidney, and this therapy he says permanently cured ME/CFS in 93% of cases. He has a published study on this.

      If you want to read more, my thread here gives details:

      I’ve recently started on Dr Markov autovaccine therapy, as I found his ideas very intriguing.

    • Crazy – and interesting.
      I will certainly have a read.

      Good luck with the trial and do keep us updated.

      Thanks for the info.

  76. @Ben Dangerfield I would be interested in seeing pictures of your blood under the microscope. I bought a microscope about 5 years ago and found what I believed to be hemoplasma or bartonella. Interested to see if you found the same thing.

    • sure – i documented my microscopy experiments here – see link below –

      the image links should still work – the bartonella blood smear images are in the later pages – but the thread also has details of microscope used etc – perhaps come and join the conversation there and share your images – i would be interested to see them.


      the forum has a bunch or friendly helpful members many of whom are struggling with bartonella infection.

  77. ps – i have all of the symptoms recorded on the first page of this chronic sore throat virus site – and note that all of these symptoms are noted in chronic Bartonellosis patients. i also had testing for ALPS as the symptoms overlaps- my clotting times were abnormal. bartonella is known to trigger both abnormal clotting disorders involving fibrin an fibronectin and also trigger auto-immune disease – i therefore suspect it can trigger ALPS. The organism is very very small, virus like, infects a multitude of tissues in the human body including GI tract, vascular system , bone marrow, liver, spleen, skin etc and typically tests negative on most standard tests it is well known for altering the mood of sufferers, leading to mood disorders, depression, derealisation, personality change and frank psychosis. specialist testing is available – traditional serology is very low sensitivity and even standard PCR based tests are of low sensitivity – due to the low cell counts in the blood in chronic infection. there is a very good presentation available by tow of the leading researchers in the world on bartonella here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJYwMMPJIkU

    • I once went to a lyme doctor and I was sure I had bartonella as I had the distinct horizontal bartonella stripes on my back (striae). I was tested for borrelia, yersinia and bartonella (LTT, lymphocyte transformation test).

      Surprisingly borrelia and bartonella were below the threshold values but yersinia was very high, but I had no yersinia symptoms (diarrhea) and it is normally a self-limiting infection, not a chronic infection.

      And I was only tested for bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana. So I could possibly still have another strain.

    • Yes, testing via serological methods for bartonella is very poor. Dr E. Maggie who is one of the worlds leading authorities on bartonella presented recently that in his experiments around 45 different antigens are needed to reliably detect bartonella via serology in humans. Most tests use only one – or two antigens like yours. galaxy diagnostic has better tests and T-labs also do a semi direct detection method with confocal laser microscopy – but if you have the bartonella striae ( streaks) save your money – that is better than the available tests as nothing else is known to cause those. in your shoes i would move directly to treatment.

    • No news about the Rega compounds.

      There is a substance which has recently be proven antiviral for Coxsackie B viruses (the virus detailed on this site), and that is ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate (EHX), which is a food flavouring, and comes as a liquid.

      Some researchers in China discovered that this food flavouring has good antiviral effects against Coxsackie B, see this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9048257/

      Dose levels would be up to 500 mg twice daily. That is within the NOAEL safe dose level for EHX.

      Some people I know started experimenting with EHX for their chronic Coxsackie infections, but found it caused stomach and digestive upset when taken orally. But EHX can also be rubbed on the skin, where it will get absorbed over a period of a few hours, and this should avoid any digestive issues.

      However, nobody has yet tested EHX long term, so it’s not clear if it might have any side effects. I am going to test it soon myself.

      You can buy EHX from this supplier in the Netherlands: https://www.laboratoriumdiscounter.nl/en/search/Ethyl+3-Hydroxyhexanoate/

      They only ship to EU countries, but you can get it forwarded to the US or UK via a shopping forwarding company, like this one: https://www.mailboxde.com (you get the item sent to the shopping forwarding company, and then they forward it to you).

  78. Following fasting I was admitted to hospital with low electrolytes on bloods. Since then I have developed malaise and chest pain previously abdominal. I have the tenderness on the 3 abdominal spots indicating enterovirus infection. My tongue has gone red (when it was previously white). I don’t know if I have developed myocarditis but I have talked to a gp and he believes it is anxiety. I have done bloods but nothing shows. I can’t sit still and every day is hard. I take paracetamol and aspirin and now 15mg abilify. I am waiting on an oxymatrine order but it ships from overseas. The mental health angle is pushed on me but I have pains that I know cannot be produced by that. I know you recommend selenium, I can get that at a local store. I have used it before and it doesn’t do as much as you describe which makes me wonder if I have a different enterovirus to you.

    • The chest pain might be pleurodynia (Bornholm disease), pleurisy or even myocarditis, which can all be caused by coxsackievirus B.

      High dose selenium helped by chronic fatigue syndrome which was triggered by my virus, but I am not sure whether selenium has any direct effects against the virus.

      The N-acetyl glucosamine works very well for anxiety in many people. It calms the mind.

      Abilify I tried, but found it too overstimulating, although it is otherwise quite similar to very low dose amisulpride.

  79. hi hip
    i have teeth gum infection . day time i don’t feel bad but when i wake up i have burning sensation in my gums/teets.( i try lot of different things to get rid off ) i saw ad about prodentim pills. it is quite expensive but no effect at all. then my brother lives in Australia told me blis k12 oral probiotic from new Zealand . i bought ultrablis brand
    it work very good. next day i see difference . no burning sensation. it is $25. i put between my lips and teets then sleep stay there quite long time.
    but not only this one . i have luckily make good timing. i have long history of stomach issues like indigestion, acid reflux , stomach gas etc.. same time because of bad food my stomach flair up with pain and i start use acid blocker . in a one day i feel something change in or around my stomach . i thing because acid blocker this probiotic stay alive in my stomach and do the job. this happened 4 month ago still i am good. interesting thing is in a one day heal .this is amazing. if anybody interested i have formilation like that
    dont eat anything 4-5 hour before sleep. use any brand acid blocker 2 hour before sleep. drink 2-3 table spoon milk and then use ultrablis . good to go. i know every body different but it is not hurt to try good luck..

    BLIS K12 Oral Probiotic Ingredient

    BLIS K12™ Probiotics

  80. Hi
    Google/reddit yinzibing please.

    Isn’t it the same China negative aids?
    What’s your Cd4 after 20 years infected?

    I have same: French kissed, next day permanently ill. White tongue, sore throat, muscle twitching, fatigue

  81. Hip,
    Could you be kind to describe your throat feeling?
    Mine feels like something stuck in it. Hard to swallow saliva. Sometimes feels like pain not in the throat but in the lymph notes.

    I don’t have tonsils BTW.

    • That feeling of something stuck in your throat can be globus. I no longer have a sore throat, after 20 years with this virus. But my sore throat was just soreness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.

  82. I think that our family has this virus too. It is impossible to test for it here. It has caused many school children/ teens to be severely depressed and anxious with lasting and worrying effects. It also seems to activate other viruses Eg shingles, EBV, cold sores which may be how it causes CFS but who knows. I may be incorrect but I have also observed people with brain tumours which seem to be associated with it.

    I do not understand how it can be so infectious most likely through saliva but not detectable by PCR in saliva?

    I agree with you that it is causing a ‘slow pandemic’.

    I just don’t know what to do and really admire you for assembling this web site.

  83. Hi Hip!

    Firstly, thanks a ton for creating this site. I would like to ask a couple of questions.

    1/ the national reference laboratory for enteroviruses in my country offers a neutralisation test for cox viruses, but its ONE test in total, not one test for each type of the COX virus. Do you think there can be some value in having this done or do you think its useless?

    2/ what does the chronic sore throat cause by cox virus look like – is redness of tonsils enough of a sign or are blisters required? Ever since I had a long sinus infection at age 13, I have red tonsils. Immunologist says its OK, but all of my problems started right in the months after the sinus infection.

    3/ I have low intracellular glutathione in CD3 lymphocytes even though extracellular is borderline / high. Apparently viral infections lower intracellular glutathione. I googled and found some studies on both that intracellular glutathione helps the cell get rid of a viral infection and also that intracellular glutathione is used by the capsid in the process of some virus maturation (so effectively, low glutathione could be a counter-virus mechanism to help stop the virus from completing its life cycle). I have supplemented Setria glutathione for the past couple of days and I feel significantly worse. So I wanted to ask whether you know of some other connection between intracellular glutathione and viruses/Cox virus specifically. Do you know your intracellular glutathione status?


    • Hi Daniel

      (1) I don’t think getting this coxsackievirus test would be of much use. There is not much use even getting a individual antibody neutralisation tests for the 6 coxsackievirus Bs, because even if you are positive, it can be hard to work out whether the infection is a past dormant infection, or a chronic active infection.

      In my case, I developed ME/CFS from this virus, and in ME/CFS patients, their chronic active infections show up as very high antibody levels on permanent basis. So in this case you know you have an active infection.

      But if you are not an ME/CFS patient, your culprit virus may not appear as high antibody levels, it may just show up as low antibody levels, so you will know that you have caught the virus so time in the past, but you don’t really know if it might be active or not in your organs.

      I don’t know if people with my virus who do not have ME/CFS will show persistently high antibody levels to it, as very few people on this website have tested themselves.

      If you want to get individual coxsackievirus B tests, then there are some countries which offer this. See the coxsackievirus B and echovirus section of my ME/CFS roadmap document: https://mecfsroadmap.altervista.org/#coxsackievirus-b-and-echovirus

      That roadmap also details some coxsackievirus B treatments that Dr Chia uses, like oxymatrine.

      (2) If you Google “herpangina sore throat”, this is what a sore throat from coxsackievirus B looks like. Although in my case, I had a herpangina-like sore throat, but without any blisters that normally appear in herpangina.

      (3) ME/CFS patients often try to boost intracellular glutathione. Sometimes this helps reduce symptoms a little. In any case, it does not do any harm anyway. I don’t think it promotes viral infection. Taking N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a good way to boost intracellular glutathione. I take NAC daily, as it helps reduce my mild psychosis symptoms caused by this virus.

      I don’t know my intracellular glutathione status.

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